SS4 Pramusim /1
Latar Belakang Musim
Di era Jaman Peperangan yang jauh, di tengah Medan Perang Abadi yang dibangun dari emas, seorang prajurit bernama Ralf mengayunkan pedang tajamnya, menghadapi ribuan musuh yang kuat seorang diri, tak pernah terkalahkan. Hingga hari ini, era peperangan telah lama berlalu, namun semangat pemberani dan tak kenal takut itu, masih berkilauan seperti emas hingga kini. Oh pahlawan, pergilah mengalahkan ribuan musuh kuat yang tersebar di Dunia Lain, menuju pusat Medan Perang Abadi, dan menangkan penghargaan tertinggi milik Juara Tak Terkalahkan!

Semakin Bertarung Semakin Kuat
Dipengaruhi oleh Dewa Perang, monster langka di level memiliki kesempatan untuk naik level menjadi monster Gladiator dengan berbagai tingkatan. Mengalahkan mereka akan membuat tubuh Pemburu membesar. Selain itu, seiring dengan pengembangan HP dan Perisai, ukuran tubuh pemain juga akan bertambah besar.
Seiring bertambahnya ukuran tubuh, Area Skill Pemburu akan tambahan membesar, kerusakan yang diberikan oleh diri sendiri dan Minion akan tambahan meningkat, semakin bertarung semakin berani, semakin bertarung semakin kuat.

Drop Berharga
Selama Pramusim, kesempatan drop untuk semua Item Terbatas meningkat tiga kali lipat. Nikmati momen dikelilingi oleh Item berharga! Selain itu, monster Gladiator akan drop Bukti Juara yang berharga, gunakan Bukti Juara untuk pergi ke Medan Perang Abadi, kalahkan ribuan musuh kuat, dan dapatkan penghargaan tertinggi dari Dewa Perang!
Jiwa Perjanjian /1
Labu Rakun Labu Kelinci
Penurunan Legendaris
Menambah jumlah item jatuh
Invincible Champion

Invincible Champion

Special Mechanism

Gladiator: Inspired by the God of War, rare monsters in stages have a chance to upgrade to various Gladiators, all of which are gilded in gold. The rarest Gold Gladiator will come with its own arena, where hunters must duel it. Defeating a Gladiator can yield very generous loot and special buffs.

Giant Size: Defeating a Gladiator grants a special buff: increased size. In addition, players can also gain size increase buffs based on their max life and max energy shield values. For every 1% increase in size, players gain an additional 1% skill area increase, 1% damage increase, and 1% minion damage increase.

Special Map Affixes: In the preseason, every map will have a special affix that makes the stage more difficult but also offers better loot rewards. These affixes were very rare in normal seasons and rarely encountered, but in the preseason, every map will have one.

Limited Content

Eternal Coliseum: During the preseason, defeating rare monsters has a chance to drop Proof of Champion, which can be used to proceed to the Eternal Coliseum for a duel.

If victorious in the duel, players can obtain the God of War's treasure: containing numerous legendary gear, legendary divinity slates, legendary hero relics and memories, as well as three unique legendary items.

Unique Legendaries: Eternity - Unique, Sacrilege - Unique, and Monarch's Reign - Unique make their debut, so hurry up and let the God of War cook up some dishes for you!

Triple Drop Rate: During this preseason, the drop rate for all exclusive items has been increased to three times the original rate - it should be emphasized that this only applies to exclusive drops, not all items.

Drop Pactspirits: The preseason exclusive drop Pactspirit Fluffhead Hare is now available, which can additionally cause Gladiators to appear on the map; also, Corgi Fighter No.32 will return.

Golden Season Pass: Purchase the preseason Golden Season Pass and level it up to the specified level to receive the SS4 Season Golden Season Pass for free;

Trade House Rewards: During the preseason, enjoy a 50% discount on premium booth pages in the Trade House;