
Gains additional Life Restoration but cannot use skills or be targeted. Loses this status once fully healed
Legendary Gear /2
Lady's Tears
Require lv 30
+1 Passive Skill Level
+(20–30)% additional Spirit Magus Ultimate Damage and Ailment Damage dealt by Ultimate.
While Reconjuring, Spirit Magi regenerate (20–30)% Life per second
Spirit Magi are immune to Elemental Damage
Friend Nemesis
Require lv 58
+(150–200) gear Energy Shield
+(20–80)% Spirit Magus Skill Damage
If you have recently moved more than (40–50) m, Spirit Magi +(20–80) initial Growth
While Reconjuring, Spirit Magi regenerate (20–40)% Life per second
Spirit Magi take 1000 Secondary Physical Damage when you are not at Full Life. Interval: 0.5 s.