Item /20
Medium Fate: Command
+ (2–4) Command per second

Medium Fate: Growth
Spirit Magi +(20–24) initial Growth

Medium Fate: Origin of Spirit Magus
+(15–18)% Origin of Spirit Magus effect

Kismet: Prosthetics
+(9–12)% Physique for Synthetic Troop Minions
+(9–12)% chance for Synthetic Troop Minions to deal Double Damage

Kismet: Leader
+ 2 Command per second
+(15–20)% Minion Max Life

Kismet: Screw
+(110–120) Minion Critical Strike Rating
-1% additional Minion Attack and Cast Speed for every 1 Synthetic Troop Minions you have

Kismet: Green Shoot
Spirit Magi +(50–60) initial Growth
When Growth does not exceed 300 , +20% Summon Skill Cooldown Recovery Speed

Kismet: Wind Chime
Spirit Magi +(12–15)% chance to use an Enhanced Skill

Kismet: Bouquet
+(4–5)% additional Spirit Magi Damage for every Spirit Magus you have

Kismet: Guard
+(5–6)% additional Sentry Skill Cast Frequency
+1 Sentry quantity that can be deployed at a time

Kismet: Shadow Mage
+(40–50)% Sentry Duration
+50% additional Cast Speed for Sentry Skills

Kismet: Ice Soul
Inflicts Frostbite on nearby enemies

Kismet: Synthetic Heart
Max Synthetic Troop Quantity +1

Dual Kismet: Rock Core
Activates the following effects when there are 2 of this Kismet on the same pact page:
Gains the Origin of Spirit Magus Effect of a Lv. 20 Rock Magi
+30% Origin of Spirit Magus Effect

Dual Kismet: Fire Plume
Activates the following effects when there are 2 of this Kismet on the same pact page:
Gains the Origin of Spirit Magus Effect of a Lv. 20 Fire Magi
+30% Origin of Spirit Magus Effect

Dual Kismet: Thunder Branch
Activates the following effects when there are 2 of this Kismet on the same pact page:
Gains the Origin of Spirit Magus Effect of a Lv. 20 Lightning Magus
+30% Origin of Spirit Magus Effect

Dual Kismet: Ice Flower
Activates the following effects when there are 2 of this Kismet on the same pact page:
Gains the Origin of Spirit Magus Effect of a Lv. 20 Cold Magi
+30% Origin of Spirit Magus Effect

Dual Kismet: Dark Moon
Activates the following effects when there are 2 of this Kismet on the same pact page:
Gains the Origin of Spirit Magus Effect of a Lv. 20 Erosion Magi
+30% Origin of Spirit Magus Effect

Dual Kismet: Mechanical Tree
Activates the following effects when there are 2 of this Kismet on the same pact page:
+10% additional Synthetic Troop Minion Damage for every Spirit Magus
+8% additional Spirit Magi Damage for every Synthetic Troop

Dual Kismet: Queen Ant
Activates the following effects when there are 2 of this Kismet on the same pact page:
+5% additional Ultimate Damage (multiplies) for all Spirit Magi for every Ultimate used by a Spirit Magus recently. Stacks up to 4 times