Shadow of Thunderlight's Footsteps

+1777 gear Evasion

+(110–132) Max Life
+(1440–1728) gear Evasion
For every 10000 Evasion, +1% additional Lightning Damage
For every 1000 Evasion, +1% Movement Speed, up to (60–80)%

Thunder announces his arrival, as no one can confirm his existence with the eyes.
Legendary Aptitude ★★★★
1740 Evasion
+3% Lightning Resistance

+(175–200)% Multistrike chance on the next Main Skill when using a Mobility Skill
-60% additional min damage

Thunder announces his arrival, as no one can confirm his existence with the eyes.
+(330–352) Max Life
+(4032–4608) gear Evasion
For every 8000 Evasion, +1% additional Lightning Damage
For every 1000 Evasion, +1% Movement Speed, up to (80–100)%
  • Base: Demon Slayer's Feet
  • id: 112421
  • drop level: 58