Sweet Dream Affix /632
1. Dream Interpretation generates 1 Sweet Dream affix and 1 Nightmare affix, which will be added to the base affixes of the selected gear. Sweet Dreams and Nightmares always come together and are inseparable.

2. Gear that has undergone Dream Interpretation cannot be used for crafting, but the rewind feature can be used to restore the gear to its initial state.

3. Dream Interpretation can't be ended midway after it starts. Abandoning the random results will also consume Dream Interpretation materials and Readability.

4. Dream affixes can be granted to gear of all parts, but only 3 pieces of equipped gear can have Dream affixes at any time.

Nightmare Affix /0
1. Dream Interpretation generates 1 Sweet Dream affix and 1 Nightmare affix, which will be added to the base affixes of the selected gear. Sweet Dreams and Nightmares always come together and are inseparable.

2. Gear that has undergone Dream Interpretation cannot be used for crafting, but the rewind feature can be used to restore the gear to its initial state.

3. Dream Interpretation can't be ended midway after it starts. Abandoning the random results will also consume Dream Interpretation materials and Readability.

4. Dream affixes can be granted to gear of all parts, but only 3 pieces of equipped gear can have Dream affixes at any time.

Item /3
Shallow Dream Talking - Weapon
Adds Dream affixes to weapons during Dream Interpretation
Shallow Dream Talking - Armor
Adds Dream affixes to armor during Dream Interpretation
Shallow Dream Talking - Trinket
Adds Dream affixes to trinkets during Dream Interpretation
Dream Interpretation

Dream Interpretation

When exploring a dream, Hunters will get a new season item called Dream Talking. Whenever Hunters perform Dream Talking Interpretation, they will obtain a dream base, which includes a Sweet Dream affix and a Nightmare affix. The original base affixes on a piece of gear will be replaced when the dream base is recorded onto the gear. Sweet Dream base affixes grant powerful buffs, such as allowing Hunters to gain Legendary affixes that have only appeared on Legendary gear when crafting gear. Nightmare base affixes, on the other hand, grant negative affixes that may weaken the gear. Therefore, Hunters will need to choose the right time to perform Dream Talking Interpretation. While trying to get the Sweet Dream affixes they seek, Hunters will also need to take care to avoid the negative impact of Nightmare affixes.

Gear that has undergone Dream Interpretation cannot be used for crafting.

Shallow Dream

After Dream Interpretation, select 1 Sweet Dream and 1 Nightmare, and replace the base affix.

  • Item Level 1 - 58: no Cost
  • Item Level 59 - 81: Shallow Dream Talking x2
  • Item Level 82 - 100: Shallow Dream Talking x5

Deep Dream

Dream Interpretation can only be performed 3 times in Deep Dreams. You will also need to use the Dream Talking of Legendary gear to acquire corresponding fixed affixes from Dream Interpretation options.

Cost Profound Dream Talking x10 and Legendary Dream Talking.


Rewinding will restore a piece of gear to its original state before Dream Interpretation.

  • Item Level 1 - 58: no Cost
  • Item Level 59 - 81: Shallow Dream Talking x2
  • Item Level 82 - 100: Shallow Dream Talking x10