Activation Medium Skill Tag /27
Activation Medium Support
Activation Medium: Preparation
Activation Medium, Support
Activation Medium: Perpetual Motion
Activation Medium, Support
Activation Medium: Elite
Activation Medium, Support
Activation Medium: Boss
Activation Medium, Support
Activation Medium: Life
Activation Medium, Support
Activation Medium: Energy Shield
Activation Medium, Support
Activation Medium: Severe Injury
Activation Medium, Support
Activation Medium: Multistrike
Activation Medium, Support
Activation Medium: Demolisher
Activation Medium, Support
Activation Medium: Spell Burst
Activation Medium, Support
Activation Medium: Start
Activation Medium, Support
Activation Medium: Root
Activation Medium, Support
Activation Medium: Resonance Activation
Activation Medium, Support
Activation Medium: Resonance
Activation Medium, Support
Activation Medium: Rhythm
Activation Medium, Support
Activation Medium: Blink Attack
Activation Medium, Support
Activation Medium: Wind Rhythm
Activation Medium, Support
Activation Medium: Root Attack
Activation Medium, Support
Activation Medium: Still Attack
Activation Medium, Support
Activation Medium: Sentry
Activation Medium, Support
Activation Medium: Minion
Activation Medium, Support
Activation Medium: Critical Strike
Activation Medium, Support
Activation Medium: Channel
Activation Medium, Support
Activation Medium: Instruction
Activation Medium, Support
Activation Medium: Lock On
Activation Medium, Support
Activation Medium: Track
Activation Medium, Support
Activation Medium: Burst Activation
Activation Medium, Support
Item /27

Activation Medium: PreparationPrepares the supported skill every (4–5) s
Supports Active Skills.
Cannot support Channeled Skills and Attack Skills.
This skill can only be installed in the first Support Skill Slot of each Active Skill.
Cannot support Channeled Skills and Attack Skills.
This skill can only be installed in the first Support Skill Slot of each Active Skill.
<Cooldown Recovery Speed or Duration Bonus>

Activation Medium: Perpetual Motion
Supports Empower, Defensive, Restoration, Curse, and Warcry Skills.
Cannot support Channeled Skills.
This skill can only be installed in the first Support Skill Slot of each Active Skill.
Cannot support Channeled Skills.
This skill can only be installed in the first Support Skill Slot of each Active Skill.
Always attempts to trigger the supported skill. Interval: 0.2s
<Cooldown Recovery Speed or Duration Bonus>

Activation Medium: Elite
Supports Empower, Defensive, Restoration, Curse, and Warcry Skills.
Cannot support Channeled Skills.
This skill can only be installed in the first Support Skill Slot of each Active Skill.
Cannot support Channeled Skills.
This skill can only be installed in the first Support Skill Slot of each Active Skill.
Always attempts to trigger the supported skill when there is an Elite within (6–20) m. Interval: 0.1s
<Cooldown Recovery Speed or Duration Bonus>

Activation Medium: Boss
Supports Empower, Defensive, Restoration, Curse, and Warcry Skills.
Cannot support Channeled Skills.
This skill can only be installed in the first Support Skill Slot of each Active Skill.
Cannot support Channeled Skills.
This skill can only be installed in the first Support Skill Slot of each Active Skill.
Always attempts to trigger the supported skill when there is a boss within (6–20) m. Interval: 0.1s
<Cooldown Recovery Speed or Duration Bonus>

Activation Medium: Life
Supports Restoration Skills.
Cannot support Channeled Skills.
This skill can only be installed in the first Support Skill Slot of each Active Skill.
Cannot support Channeled Skills.
This skill can only be installed in the first Support Skill Slot of each Active Skill.
When HP is lower than (20–95)% , always attempts to trigger the supported skill. This effect will be invalid while a Restoration Skill Effect is active.
<Cooldown Recovery Speed or Duration Bonus>

Activation Medium: Energy Shield
Supports Empower, Defensive, Restoration, and Curse Skills.
Cannot support Channeled Skills.
This skill can only be installed in the first Support Skill Slot of each Active Skill.
Cannot support Channeled Skills.
This skill can only be installed in the first Support Skill Slot of each Active Skill.
Always attempts to trigger the supported skill when Energy Shield is lower than (20–95)% . Interval: 0.1s
<Cooldown Recovery Speed or Duration Bonus>

Activation Medium: Severe Injury
Supports Empower, Defensive, Restoration, and Curse Skills.
Cannot support Channeled Skills.
This skill can only be installed in the first Support Skill Slot of each Active Skill.
Cannot support Channeled Skills.
This skill can only be installed in the first Support Skill Slot of each Active Skill.
Triggers the supported skill when suffering a Severe Injury
<Cooldown Recovery Speed or Duration Bonus>

Activation Medium: Multistrike
Supports Empower, Defensive, Restoration, Curse, Mobility, and Warcry Skills.
Cannot support Channeled Skills and Active Skills.
This skill can only be installed in the first Support Skill Slot of each Active Skill.
Cannot support Channeled Skills and Active Skills.
This skill can only be installed in the first Support Skill Slot of each Active Skill.
Triggers the supported skill upon reaching the max Multistrike Count . Interval: 0.1s
<Cooldown Recovery Speed or Duration Bonus>

Activation Medium: Demolisher
Supports Empower, Defensive, Restoration, Curse, and Warcry Skills.
Cannot support Channeled Skills.
This skill can only be installed in the first Support Skill Slot of each Active Skill.
Cannot support Channeled Skills.
This skill can only be installed in the first Support Skill Slot of each Active Skill.
Triggers the supported skill upon gaining Demolisher Charge . Interval: 0.1s
<Cooldown Recovery Speed or Duration Bonus>

Activation Medium: Spell Burst
Supports Empower, Defensive, Restoration, and Curse Skills.
Cannot support Channeled Skills.
This skill can only be installed in the first Support Skill Slot of each Active Skill.
Cannot support Channeled Skills.
This skill can only be installed in the first Support Skill Slot of each Active Skill.
Triggers the supported skill when activating Spell Burst . Interval: 0.1s
<Cooldown Recovery Speed or Duration Bonus>

Activation Medium: Start
Supports Empower, Defensive, Restoration, Curse, and Warcry Skills.
Cannot support Channeled Skills.
This skill can only be installed in the first Support Skill Slot of each Active Skill.
Cannot support Channeled Skills.
This skill can only be installed in the first Support Skill Slot of each Active Skill.
Triggers the supported skill upon starting to move. Interval: 0.1s
<Cooldown Recovery Speed or Duration Bonus>

Activation Medium: Root
Supports Empower, Defensive, Restoration, Curse, and Warcry Skills.
Cannot support Channeled Skills.
This skill can only be installed in the first Support Skill Slot of each Active Skill.
Cannot support Channeled Skills.
This skill can only be installed in the first Support Skill Slot of each Active Skill.
Triggers the supported skill upon stopping moving. Interval: 0.1s
<Cooldown Recovery Speed or Duration Bonus>

Activation Medium: Resonance ActivationActivates Resonance when you use the supported skill
Supports Empower, Defensive, Restoration, Curse, and Warcry Skills.
Cannot support Channeled Skills.
This skill can only be installed in the first Support Skill Slot of each Active Skill.
Cannot support Channeled Skills.
This skill can only be installed in the first Support Skill Slot of each Active Skill.
<Cooldown Recovery Speed or Duration Bonus>

Activation Medium: Resonance
Supports Empower, Defensive, Restoration, Curse, and Warcry Skills.
Cannot support Channeled Skills.
This skill can only be installed in the first Support Skill Slot of each Active Skill.
Cannot support Channeled Skills.
This skill can only be installed in the first Support Skill Slot of each Active Skill.
Triggers the supported skill when Resonance is activated
<Cooldown Recovery Speed or Duration Bonus>

Activation Medium: Rhythm
Supports Active Skill that deal damage.
Cannot support Channeled Skills and Attack Mobility Skills.
This skill can only be installed in the first Support Skill Slot of each Active Skill.
Cannot support Channeled Skills and Attack Mobility Skills.
This skill can only be installed in the first Support Skill Slot of each Active Skill.
Triggers the supported skill on the closest enemy within 25m every (0.2–0.5) s
The next skill triggered by the supported skill +(6–12)% additional damage for every 1m of movement made during the trigger interval, up to +(32–40)%.
Manually used supported skills -80% additional damage

Activation Medium: Blink Attack
Supports Attack Skills that deal damage.
Cannot support Passive Skills and Channeled Skills.
This skill can only be installed in the first Support Skill Slot of each Active Skill.
Cannot support Passive Skills and Channeled Skills.
This skill can only be installed in the first Support Skill Slot of each Active Skill.
While standing still, blinks to the closest enemy within (11–15) m every (0.2–0.4) s and automatically attacks the enemy continuously with the supported Attack Skill
Auto-used supported skills +(31–55)% additional damage

Activation Medium: Wind Rhythm
Supports Spell Skills that deal damage.
Cannot support Passive Skills and Channeled Skills.
This skill can only be installed in the first Support Skill Slot of each Active Skill.
Cannot support Passive Skills and Channeled Skills.
This skill can only be installed in the first Support Skill Slot of each Active Skill.
Always attempts to trigger the supported skill on the closest enemy within 25m. Cooldown: 0.6 s
(80–85)% of the bonuses and additional bonuses for Cast Speed is also applied to the Cooldown Recovery Speed of this Support Skill and the supported skill
Manually used supported skills -80% additional damage

Activation Medium: Root Attack
Supports Attack Skills that deal damage.
Cannot support Passive Skills and Channeled Skills.
This skill can only be installed in the first Support Skill Slot of each Active Skill.
Cannot support Passive Skills and Channeled Skills.
This skill can only be installed in the first Support Skill Slot of each Active Skill.
Automatically attempts to use a supported Attack Skill on the closest enemy when stopping moving. Interval: (0.2–0.3) s
The next time when a skill is automatically used, the supported skill +(10–20)% additional damage for every 1m of movement made, up to +(46–65)% . When performing a Multistrike, the bonus will last until the Multistrike ends.

Activation Medium: Still Attack
Supports Attack Skills that deal damage.
Cannot support Passive Skills and Channeled Skills.
This skill can only be installed in the first Support Skill Slot of each Active Skill.
Cannot support Passive Skills and Channeled Skills.
This skill can only be installed in the first Support Skill Slot of each Active Skill.
Automatically attacks the closest enemy within 25m continuously with the supported Attack Skill while standing still.
Auto-used supported skills +(30–34)% additional damage

Activation Medium: Sentry
Supports Sentry Skills.
This skill can only be installed in the first Support Skill Slot of each Active Skill.
This skill can only be installed in the first Support Skill Slot of each Active Skill.
Always attempts to trigger the supported skill when there are no Sentries within (10–20) m. Interval: 0.3 s.
+(30–36)% additional damage for the supported skill
+(2–3) Sentries that can be deployed at a time by the supported skill

Activation Medium: Minion
Supports Synthetic Troop Skills.
This skill can only be installed in the first Support Skill Slot of each Active Skill.
This skill can only be installed in the first Support Skill Slot of each Active Skill.
Triggers the supported skill and replenishes the Minions of the supported skill to the maximum upon entering the stage
+(30–36)% additional damage for Minions summoned by the supported skill

Activation Medium: Critical Strike
Supports skills that hit the enemy.
This skill cannot support Summon Skills.
This skill can only be installed in the first Support Skill Slot of each Active Skill.
This skill cannot support Summon Skills.
This skill can only be installed in the first Support Skill Slot of each Active Skill.
When the supported skill lands a Critical Strike, sends (2–3) Instruction(s) . Interval: 0.03 s.

Activation Medium: Channel
Supports Channeled Skills.
This skill can only be installed in the first Support Skill Slot of each Active Skill.
This skill can only be installed in the first Support Skill Slot of each Active Skill.
When channeling the supported skill, sends 1 Instruction for every 2 stack(s) channeled.

Activation Medium: Instruction
Supports Active Skills.
Cannot support Channeled Skills and Attack Mobility Skills.
This skill can only be installed in the first Support Skill Slot of each Active Skill.
Cannot support Channeled Skills and Attack Mobility Skills.
This skill can only be installed in the first Support Skill Slot of each Active Skill.
Triggers the supported skill on the closest enemy within 25m every (0.3–0.9) s
The next skill triggered by the supported skill deals +(8–9)% additional damage for every Instruction received during the trigger interval, up to +(72–81)% additional damage.
Manually used supported skills -80% additional damage

Activation Medium: Lock OnLocks On enemies within 25 m when you use the supported skill
Supports Active Skills.
This skill can only be installed in the first Support Skill Slot of each Active Skill.
This skill can only be installed in the first Support Skill Slot of each Active Skill.

Activation Medium: Track
Supports Active Skill that deal damage.
Cannot support Channeled Skills and Attack Mobility Skills.
This skill can only be installed in the first Support Skill Slot of each Active Skill.
Cannot support Channeled Skills and Attack Mobility Skills.
This skill can only be installed in the first Support Skill Slot of each Active Skill.
Triggers the supported skill once on up to 4 Locked-On enemy(ies) within (10–25) m every (0.3–0.6) s
Always Locks On enemies within 25m.

Activation Medium: Burst Activation
Supports Spell Skills that deal damage or skills that can activate Spell Burst.
Cannot support Passive Skills and Channeled Skills.
This skill can only be installed in the first Support Skill Slot of each Active Skill.
Cannot support Passive Skills and Channeled Skills.
This skill can only be installed in the first Support Skill Slot of each Active Skill.
When Spell Burst is fully charged, triggers the supported skill on the nearest enemy within 25m and attempts to trigger the supported skill's Spell Burst
+(12–14)% additional damage for skills cast by Spell Burst when Spell Burst is activated by the supported skill