Aeterna Construction
The Aeterna Map displays the current status of the City of Aeterna. Place Marks of the Ruins on the revealed areas to gradually construct the City of Aeterna.
The Aeterna Map displays the current status of the City of Aeterna. Place Marks of the Ruins on the revealed areas to gradually construct the City of Aeterna.
Once the construction is complete, the City of Aeterna will become accessible to you, and its terrain will match the completed Aeterna Map.
So please cover as many reward rooms as possible and connect them with the starting point when constructing the City of Aeterna to maximize the benefits.
Aeterna Tiles
After placing all Marks of the Ruins, you can still use Aeterna Tiles to fill the Aeterna Map.
You have {%s:1} Aeterna Tile(s) by default. You can obtain up to {%s:2} Aeterna Tiles by upgrading Psalms of Aeterna.