
+13 gear Energy Shield

+(44–55) Max Life
Regenerates (15–20) Life per second
+(6–10)% Movement Speed
+20% Movement Speed when the Energy Shield is not full

She still keeps these old dancing shoes, for she was promised to be invited to dance after everything is settled.
+13 gear Energy Shield

+(44–55) Max Life
Regenerates (15–20) Life per second
+(6–10)% Movement Speed
+20% Movement Speed when the Energy Shield is not full

She still keeps these old dancing shoes, for she was promised to be invited to dance after everything is settled.
+(154–176) Max Life
Regenerates (21–25) Life per second
+(24–28)% Movement Speed
+20% Attack, Cast, and Movement Speed when Energy Shield is not full
  • Base: Scribe's Boots
  • id: 112416
  • drop level: 12
  • Awaiting /1