When you find an item you like, simply select and click to purchase it, However, there are still some important considerations to keep in mind when making a purchase.
On the item display screen, clicking on an item will bring up a page with its details. You can make a purchase by clicking the Buy button.
Items will not be directly added to your Inventory after purchase but attached to an entry in History.
You can view and claim them from [History] at the upper right corner of Trade House.
The item price and currency type are displayed under the icon. The item quantity is displayed in the upper right corner. Check if the item price and currency type fits your expectations when making purchases.
If you find it hard to find the items you want, use [Price Filter] to filter out unwanted items.
Trade Tax will be calculated and deducted when you claim a trade item, so it's natural to see different item quantities when you click on different history entries. This is just a preview. You will find out the exact quantity deducted for Trade Tax after claiming an item.