Dual Wielding

Dual Wielding
When using two One-Handed Weapons, one in each hand
Talent /2
Medium TalentThe Brave
+8% chance to Multistrike when Dual Wielding
+4% Attack Block Chance while Dual Wielding
Legendary Medium TalentThe Brave
Multistrikes' damage increment 20% while Dual Wielding
Legendary Gear /1
Fleeting Regret
Require lv 58
+(150–200)% gear Physical Damage
Adds (12–14) - (18–20) Physical Damage to the gear
+(5–20)% Attack and Spell Block while Dual Wielding
+(5–20)% Block Ratio when holding a Shield
+(300–360)% Critical Strike Rating if you have Blocked recently
+64% Attack Speed if you have Blocked recently