Machine Army
Mana Cost
Cast Speed
0.80000001 s
10 s
Casts the skill and gains Euphoria: For each Minion on the field, all Minions 3.5% additional damage and 4% additional Movement Speed, stacking up to 7 time(s). Lasts 6s.
Casts the skill and gains Euphoria:
For each Minion on the field, all Minions 3.5% additional damage.
For each Minion on the field, all Minions 4% additional Movement Speed.
Stacks up to 7 time(s).
Lasts 6s.
For each Minion on the field, all Minions 3.5% additional damage.
For each Minion on the field, all Minions 4% additional Movement Speed.
Stacks up to 7 time(s).
Lasts 6s.
This skill +100% additional Status Effect for every 1 Minion owned, stacking up to 7 time(s).
Mana Cost
Cast Speed
0.8 s
12 s
Casts the skill and gains Euphoria: For each Minion on the field, all Minions 5% additional damage and 4% additional Movement Speed, stacking up to 7 time(s). Lasts 4s.
Casts the skill and gains Euphoria:
For each Minion on the field, all Minions 5% additional damage.
For each Minion on the field, all Minions 4% additional Movement Speed.
Stacks up to 7 time(s).
Lasts 4s.
For each Minion on the field, all Minions 5% additional damage.
For each Minion on the field, all Minions 4% additional Movement Speed.
Stacks up to 7 time(s).
Lasts 4s.
This skill +100% additional Status Effect for every 1 Minion owned, stacking up to 7 time(s).
Skill Shop Unlock Level
Drop Source
Thought Deconstruction
Thought Deconstruction
[Skill Effect] March of Machines
If we can break down and reconstruct his thoughts, will we be able to reproduce that invincible brain?
If we can break down and reconstruct his thoughts, will we be able to reproduce that invincible brain?