Old Friendship /45

Sherlock will always be your most sincere friend. Long live friendship!
This unconditional gift is a symbol of our friendship today!
All kinds of rare and magical Pactspirit.
Lots of Pactspirit Crystals, Appearance Crystals, Revival Tokens, Oblivion Points, and other super practical items.
Tap the button below to view specific details.

In general, the base rate is applied to all Pactspirits. For Rate Up and Minimum Guarantee, the rates are subject to actual rules.
[Boon Rules]
The Boon refreshes daily. When you receive Duplicate Pactspirits, they will be converted to a certain amount of Pactspirit Proofs. Surplus Proofs can be traded for Insight Essence at the in-game shop
[Boon Item List]
[Rare Pool] Base rate: 1%, with specific item rates as follows:
Rare Pactspirit Base Rate: 1%
[Normal Pool] Base Rate: 99%, with specific item rates as follows:
Revival Token, Base Rate: 46%
Oblivion Point, Base Rate: 46%
Magic Pactspirit, Base Rate: 4.387%
Jagged Primocryst x10, Base Rate: 1.5%
Jagged Primocryst x20, Base Rate: 0.75%
Jagged Primocryst x30, Base Rate: 0.5%
Jagged Primocryst x40, Base Rate: 0.375%
Jagged Primocryst x50, Base Rate: 0.3%
Pactspirit Crystal, Base Rate: 0.094%
Appearance Crystal, Base Rate: 0.094%
2022/09/26 00:00 - 10005/03/31 23:59