The base duration is 4s.
Increases damage taken by 15%
Talent /1

Medium TalentPsychic
Upon dealing damage to a Cursed target, there is a +8% chance to +15% Curse Skill Area
Legendary Gear /2
Crow's Plume
Require lv 58
Require lv 58
+1% Max Elemental Resistance
(-70–-50)% Slow effect received
+(15–20)% Movement Speed
+(3–5)% Elemental Resistance
+30% chance to inflict Paralysis on hit
+30% chance to cause Blinding on hit
The Coward's Counterfire
Require lv 58
Corroded Heart Paralyze enemies Nearby when Blocking
Require lv 58
+(30–45) Max Life and Max Energy Shield
+(4–5)% Attack and Spell Block Chance
+20% Block Ratio