Shield regain
Shield regain
Based on the Missing Energy Shield, restores a portion of Energy Shield on hit. This effect may only appear once every 0.5s.
Talent /32

Legendary Medium TalentBladerunner
-12% additional +8%

Legendary Medium TalentMagister
-15% additional +8%

Legendary Medium TalentGod of War
+8% Restores 20% Missing Energy Shield when suffer

Legendary Medium TalentRanger
+8% -12% additional

Legendary Gear /1
Arcane Shield
Require lv 58
Require lv 58
+(272–340) gear Energy Shield
Triggers Lv. 20 Secret Origin Unleash every 6s
+(8–16)% Energy Shield Regain
+72% Spell Block Chance
Cannot Block attacks