Sparks of Moth Fire


Copies the last Talent on the adjacent slate above to this slate. Unable to copy the Core Talent.
Copies the last Talent on the adjacent slate on the left to this slate. Unable to copy the Core Talent.
Copies the last Talent on the adjacent slate below this slate. Unable to copy the Main Talents.
Copies the last Talent on the adjacent slate on the right to this slate. Unable to copy the Core Talent.

(Divinity Slate effect limit: 3)
The candle moth has become part of the fire... But it still has successors who keep flying to her for the dim light.

Copies the last Talent on the adjacent slate above to this slate. Unable to copy the Core Talent.
Copies the last Talent on the adjacent slate on the left to this slate. Unable to copy the Core Talent.
Copies the last Talent on the adjacent slate below this slate. Unable to copy the Main Talents.
Copies the last Talent on the adjacent slate on the right to this slate. Unable to copy the Core Talent.

(Divinity Slate effect limit: 3)
The candle moth has become part of the fire... But it still has successors who keep flying to her for the dim light.
  • Base:
  • id: 1001
  • drop level: 60

  • Tip