Thundercloud Surge

Thundercloud Surge
Empower Attack Lightning Persistent
Cast Speed 0.6 s
Cooldown 10 s

Casts the skill and gains Euphoria: 28% additional Attack Speed and a 15% chance to trigger 3 Chains of Lightning on hit, dealing Attack Physical Damage equal to 107% of Base Damage to the target and enemies within a certain area around the target. Lasts 2s.

Casts the skill and gains Euphoria:
+28% additional Attack Speed while the skill lasts
+15% chance to trigger Combo Lightning when other skills hit the enemy while the skill lasts. Interval: 0.1s
While the skill lasts, when at Stage 4 or higher, +25% additional damage
Lasts 2s.
Chain of Lightning:
Deals Attack Physical Damage equal to 107% of Base Damage.