When the High Court's Dog Barks

When the High Court's Dog Barks

  • (-75–-25)% Holy Domain radius (Engram 2 Exclusive)
  • Holy Illumination can lock on enemies and leave behind a Holy Domain at their location (Engram 2 Exclusive)
  • While within the range of Holy Illumination, the player will be dragged to the center of the Holy Domain (Engram 2 Exclusive)
  • For every 1 m moved by the player, +2% additional damage for 5 s when in the Holy Domain, up to +50% (Engram 2 Exclusive)

St. Derain holds loyalty and obedience in the highest esteem when selecting knights. It's like they are training a group of barking dogs and tying them under the porch of St. Derain with chains made out of honor and discipline. In other words, they must wear a collar on their neck at all times, and we must hold the chains connected to their collar firmly at all times."
  • Base: Discipline Comes Last
  • id: 2649
  • drop level: 73

  • Tip