Ailment Damage
Ailment Damage
Trauma, Ignite, and Wilt
Talent /7

Legendary Gear /3
Lady's Tears
Require lv 30
Require lv 30
+1 Passive Skill Level
+(20–30)% additional Spirit Magus Ultimate Damage and Ailment Damage dealt by Ultimate .
While Reconjuring , Spirit Magi regenerate (20–30)% Life per second
Spirit Magi are immune to Elemental Damage
King Lionheart's Ambition
Require lv 58
Require lv 58
+(250–300)% gear Physical Damage
+(30–40)% gear Attack Speed
+17% additional Ailment Damage when having at least 8 stack(s) of Agility Blessing
When having at least 10 stack(s) of Agility Blessing , adds 67% of Physical Damage of the Main-Hand Weapon to Ailment Base Damage
Confusion Elemental Belt
Require lv 58
Require lv 58
+(6–8)% all stats
+(20–30)% Ailment Damage
When Strength is greater than Dexterity, adds 17% of the skill's damage to Base Trauma Damage.
When Intelligence is greater than Strength, adds 10% of the skill's damage to Base Wilt Damage.
When Dexterity is greater than Intelligence, adds 12% of the skill's damage to Base Ignite Damage.