Aureate Calamity Ordrak /157
Ordrak pounced on the Golden Sun, which the Ancient Ichi claimed would never set, and melted the gold with its scorching dragon breath. However, the intense heat fluctuations awakened the volcano slumbering under the Ancient Ichi city. In the end, this city of gold was melted into scalding liquid gold, which swallowed the people and dragons of the city and swept them underground.
Aureate Calamity Ordrak /1
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Unlimited activation range Immune to hp: 950 mana: 0 shield: 0 damage: 60 armour: 1 hit: 1 dodge: 0 attack_block: 0 spell_block: 0 fire_res: 0 ice_res: 0 light_res: 0 chaos_res: 0 cri_rate: 100 cri_dmg: -40 hp_recovery: 0 mana_recovery: 0 experience: |