INT Gloves /17
Herbalist's Gloves
Require lv 1
6 Energy Shield
Scribe Handguards
Require lv 3
9 Energy Shield
Pilgrim's Gloves
Require lv 10
19 Energy Shield
Acolyte Handguards
Require lv 17
39 Energy Shield
Witchdoctor's Gloves
Require lv 25
56 Energy Shield
Scholar's Gloves
Require lv 32
74 Energy Shield
Disciple Handguards
Require lv 37
94 Energy Shield
Adds (4–5) - (6–7) Cold Damage to Attacks and Spells
Chaplain's Gloves
Require lv 37
94 Energy Shield
Shaman's Hands
Require lv 42
107 Energy Shield
Grand Mentor's Gloves
Require lv 47
119 Energy Shield
Envoy's Hands
Require lv 52
132 Energy Shield
+10% Spell Damage
Bishop's Hands
Require lv 61
145 Energy Shield
+3% Cold Resistance
Respected Tutor's Gloves
Require lv 61
157 Energy Shield
+12% Spell Damage
Elder Sage's Long Gloves
Require lv 66
180 Energy Shield
+5% Cold Resistance
Imperishable Touch
Require lv 66
175 Energy Shield
Adds (6–7) - (10–11) Cold Damage to Attacks and Spells
All Magic Grip
Require lv 76
185 Energy Shield
+5% Energy Shield Regain
Long Night Sorcerer's Wristband
Require lv 76
169 Energy Shield
Restores 4% of Mana when using skills. This effect does not apply to Spell Burst.
Legendary Gear /6
Ice Pulse
Require lv 14
+(15–20)% Frostbite inflicted
+(30–40)% Spell Damage
When killing a Frostbitten enemy, - 20% current cooldown of potion and Mobility skills
+1 Max Charges
Converts 50% of Mana Cost to Life Cost
Ice and Fire
Require lv 58
+130% Cold Damage if you have used a Fire Skill recently
+130% Fire Damage if you have used a Cold Skill recently
Malevolent Hand
Require lv 58
+(80–100)% curse effect
You can cast 1 additional Curses
Affected by Lv. 20 Corruption curse
Tyrant's Iron Fist
Require lv 58
+5 Skill Mana Cost for every (351–400) Max Mana
+5% Critical Strike Rating for every 200 Mana sealed
Torturer's Touch
Require lv 58
Reaps 0.4 s of the DoT Damage against Nearby enemy with full Affliction. The effect has a 1 s cooldown against the same target
Reaping removes 100% Affliction from enemies
Miniature Void Sea
Require lv 58
+(4–5)% Minion Damage for every additional Minion you have
+2% additional Cooldown Recovery Speed for every Minion you have
Trigger the Main Skill for every 5 m of movement. Interval: 3 s
Legendary Gear Corroded /6
Ice Pulse
Require lv 14
+(20–30)% Frostbite inflicted
+(40–60)% Spell Damage
When killing a Frostbitten enemy, - 25% current cooldown of potion and Mobility skills
+2 Max Charges
Converts Spell Skills' Mana Cost to Life Cost
Ice and Fire
Require lv 58
+(150–170)% Cold Damage if you have used a Fire Skill recently
+(150–170)% Fire Damage if you have used a Cold Skill recently
Malevolent Hand
Require lv 58
+(100–120)% curse effect
You can cast 1 additional Curses
Affected by Lv. 1 Corruption curse
Tyrant's Iron Fist
Require lv 58
+5 Skill Mana Cost for every (300–350) Max Mana
+5% Critical Strike Rating for every 100 Mana sealed
Torturer's Touch
Require lv 58
Reaps (0.2–0.8) s of the DoT Damage against Nearby enemy with full Affliction. The effect has a (0.5–1) s cooldown against the same target
Reaping removes (50–100)% Affliction from enemies
Miniature Void Sea
Require lv 58
+(6–7)% Minion Damage for every additional Minion you have
+3% additional Cooldown Recovery Speed for every Minion you have
Trigger the Main Skill for every 3 m of movement. Interval: 2 s
Enchant /59
Unlocked after completing Chapter 3 Star's Fall - Shimmering Nightstar
Type Effect affix_type Cost Lv
Fire Resistance+(3–6)% Fire ResistanceSuffixGround Quartz x10Lv 60
Fire Resistance+(7–9)% Fire ResistanceSuffixFlame Sand x1Lv 70
Fire Resistance+(10–12)% Fire ResistanceSuffixFlame Sand x10Lv 80
Cold Resistance+(3–6)% Cold ResistanceSuffixGround Quartz x10Lv 60
Cold Resistance+(7–9)% Cold ResistanceSuffixFlame Sand x1Lv 70
Cold Resistance+(10–12)% Cold ResistanceSuffixFlame Sand x10Lv 80
Lightning Resistance+(3–6)% Lightning ResistanceSuffixGround Quartz x10Lv 60
Lightning Resistance+(7–9)% Lightning ResistanceSuffixFlame Sand x1Lv 70
Lightning Resistance+(10–12)% Lightning ResistanceSuffixFlame Sand x10Lv 80
Erosion Resistance+(3–6)% Erosion ResistanceSuffixGround Quartz x10Lv 60
Erosion Resistance+(7–9)% Erosion ResistanceSuffixFlame Sand x1Lv 70
Erosion Resistance+(10–12)% Erosion ResistanceSuffixFlame Sand x10Lv 80
Strength+(8–10) StrengthPre-fixGround Quartz x10Lv 30
Strength+(11–13) StrengthPre-fixFlame Sand x1Lv 40
Strength+(14–16) StrengthPre-fixFlame Sand x10Lv 50
Dexterity+(8–10) DexterityPre-fixGround Quartz x10Lv 30
Dexterity+(11–13) DexterityPre-fixFlame Sand x1Lv 40
Dexterity+(14–16) DexterityPre-fixFlame Sand x10Lv 50
Intelligence+(8–10) IntelligencePre-fixGround Quartz x10Lv 30
Intelligence+(11–13) IntelligencePre-fixFlame Sand x1Lv 40
Intelligence+(14–16) IntelligencePre-fixFlame Sand x10Lv 50
Life+(41–48) Max LifePre-fixGround Quartz x1Lv 30
Life+(49–58) Max LifePre-fixGround Quartz x10Lv 40
Life+(59–70) Max LifePre-fixFlame Sand x1Lv 50
Life+(71–83) Max LifePre-fixFlame Sand x10Lv 60
Mana+(33–39) Max ManaPre-fixGround Quartz x1Lv 30
Mana+(40–47) Max ManaPre-fixGround Quartz x10Lv 40
Mana+(48–56) Max ManaPre-fixFlame Sand x1Lv 50
Mana+(57–68) Max ManaPre-fixFlame Sand x10Lv 60
Gear Energy Shield+(56–70) gear Energy ShieldPre-fixGround Quartz x1Lv 30
Gear Energy Shield+(71–95) gear Energy ShieldPre-fixGround Quartz x10Lv 40
Gear Energy Shield+(96–114) gear Energy ShieldPre-fixFlame Sand x1Lv 50
Gear Energy Shield+(115–137) gear Energy ShieldPre-fixFlame Sand x10Lv 60
Gear Energy Shield %+(19–21)% gear Energy ShieldPre-fixGround Quartz x1Lv 30
Gear Energy Shield %+(22–26)% gear Energy ShieldPre-fixGround Quartz x10Lv 40
Gear Energy Shield %+(27–31)% gear Energy ShieldPre-fixFlame Sand x1Lv 50
Gear Energy Shield %+(32–37)% gear Energy ShieldPre-fixFlame Sand x10Lv 60
Adds Physical Damage to AttacksAdds (12–14) - (14–17) Physical Damage to AttacksPre-fixGround Quartz x10Lv 30
Adds Physical Damage to AttacksAdds (14–17) - (17–20) Physical Damage to AttacksPre-fixFlame Sand x1Lv 40
Adds Physical Damage to AttacksAdds (17–20) - (22–25) Physical Damage to AttacksPre-fixFlame Sand x10Lv 50
Adds Fire Damage to AttacksAdds (11–13) - (15–18) Fire Damage to AttacksPre-fixGround Quartz x10Lv 30
Adds Fire Damage to AttacksAdds (14–16) - (18–21) Fire Damage to AttacksPre-fixFlame Sand x1Lv 40
Adds Fire Damage to AttacksAdds (16–19) - (22–26) Fire Damage to AttacksPre-fixFlame Sand x10Lv 50
Adds Cold Damage to AttacksAdds (11–13) - (14–17) Cold Damage to AttacksPre-fixGround Quartz x10Lv 30
Adds Cold Damage to AttacksAdds (14–16) - (18–21) Cold Damage to AttacksPre-fixFlame Sand x1Lv 40
Adds Cold Damage to AttacksAdds (16–19) - (22–25) Cold Damage to AttacksPre-fixFlame Sand x10Lv 50
Adds Lightning Damage to AttacksAdds 1 - (26–30) Lightning Damage to AttacksPre-fixGround Quartz x10Lv 30
Adds Lightning Damage to AttacksAdds 1 - (31–36) Lightning Damage to AttacksPre-fixFlame Sand x1Lv 40
Adds Lightning Damage to AttacksAdds (1–2) - (37–43) Lightning Damage to AttacksPre-fixFlame Sand x10Lv 50
Attack Speed+4% Attack SpeedSuffixGround Quartz x10Lv 30
Attack Speed+5% Attack SpeedSuffixFlame Sand x1Lv 40
Attack Speed+6% Attack SpeedSuffixFlame Sand x10Lv 50
Cast Speed+4% Cast SpeedSuffixGround Quartz x10Lv 30
Cast Speed+5% Cast SpeedSuffixFlame Sand x1Lv 40
Cast Speed+6% Cast SpeedSuffixFlame Sand x10Lv 50
Mana: Gear Energy Shield+25 Max Mana, +60 gear Energy ShieldPre-fixGround Quartz x10Lv 60
Mana: Gear Energy Shield+28 Max Mana, +70 gear Energy ShieldPre-fixFlame Sand x1Lv 70
Mana: Gear Energy Shield+34 Max Mana, +80 gear Energy ShieldPre-fixFlame Sand x10Lv 80
Intelligence affects Melee Damage+1% Melee Damage per 25 IntelligenceSuffixFlame Elementium x20Lv 60

INT Gloves Craft

0+(221–264) Max Life1000
1+(176–220) Max Life72233
2+(141–175) Max Life60699
3+(110–140) Max Life483131
4+(79–109) Max Life3613897
5+(53–78) Max Life2413897
6+(31–52) Max Life1213897
7+(11–30) Max Life113897
0Regenerates (121–180) Life per second1000
1Regenerates (91–120) Life per second72233
2Regenerates (69–90) Life per second60699
3Regenerates (48–68) Life per second483131
4Regenerates (33–47) Life per second3613897
5Regenerates (19–32) Life per second2413897
6Regenerates (10–18) Life per second1213897
7Regenerates (3–9) Life per second113897
0+(9–10)% Life Regain10
0+(121–180) Max Mana1000
1+(96–120) Max Mana72233
2+(77–95) Max Mana60699
3+(60–76) Max Mana483131
4+(43–59) Max Mana3613897
5+(29–42) Max Mana2413897
6+(17–28) Max Mana1213897
7+(6–16) Max Mana113897
0+(61–90)% Mana Regeneration Speed1000
1+(48–60)% Mana Regeneration Speed72233
2+(38–47)% Mana Regeneration Speed60699
3+(30–37)% Mana Regeneration Speed483131
4+(22–29)% Mana Regeneration Speed3613897
5+(14–21)% Mana Regeneration Speed2413897
6+(8–13)% Mana Regeneration Speed1213897
7+(3–7)% Mana Regeneration Speed113897
0+(361–432) gear Energy Shield1000
1+(288–360) gear Energy Shield72233
2+(230–287) gear Energy Shield60699
3+(180–229) gear Energy Shield483131
4+(130–179) gear Energy Shield3613897
5+(86–129) gear Energy Shield2413897
6+(50–85) gear Energy Shield1213897
7+(18–49) gear Energy Shield113897
0+(81–99)% gear Energy Shield1000
1+(62–80)% gear Energy Shield85250
2+(48–61)% gear Energy Shield82857
3+(36–47)% gear Energy Shield783030
4+(24–35)% gear Energy Shield725972
5+(13–23)% gear Energy Shield666232
6+(4–12)% gear Energy Shield606825
0+(9–10)% Energy Shield Regain10
0+(26–38)% Attack Block Chance1000
1+(20–25)% Attack Block Chance85233
2+(15–19)% Attack Block Chance72699
3+(11–14)% Attack Block Chance603131
4+(8–10)% Attack Block Chance5013897
5+(4–7)% Attack Block Chance4013897
6+(1–3)% Attack Block Chance3013897
0+(26–38)% Spell Block Chance1000
1+(20–25)% Spell Block Chance85233
2+(15–19)% Spell Block Chance72699
3+(11–14)% Spell Block Chance603131
4+(8–10)% Spell Block Chance5013897
5+(4–7)% Spell Block Chance4013897
6+(1–3)% Spell Block Chance3013897
0+(11–12)% Block Ratio1000
1+(7–10)% Block Ratio78250
2+(4–6)% Block Ratio60857
3+(1–3)% Block Ratio303030
0Adds (71–81) - (87–99) Physical Damage to Attacks1000
1Adds (47–54) - (58–66) Physical Damage to Attacks80233
2Adds (36–41) - (44–50) Physical Damage to Attacks72699
3Adds (27–31) - (34–39) Physical Damage to Attacks603131
4Adds (21–24) - (26–30) Physical Damage to Attacks4813897
5Adds (17–20) - (22–25) Physical Damage to Attacks3613897
6Adds (14–17) - (17–20) Physical Damage to Attacks2413897
0Adds (66–76) - (91–103) Fire Damage to Attacks1000
1Adds (44–51) - (60–69) Fire Damage to Attacks80233
2Adds (34–39) - (46–53) Fire Damage to Attacks72699
3Adds (26–30) - (35–40) Fire Damage to Attacks603131
4Adds (20–23) - (27–31) Fire Damage to Attacks4813897
5Adds (16–19) - (22–26) Fire Damage to Attacks3613897
6Adds (14–16) - (18–21) Fire Damage to Attacks2413897
0Adds (68–78) - (89–102) Cold Damage to Attacks1000
1Adds (45–52) - (59–68) Cold Damage to Attacks80233
2Adds (35–40) - (45–52) Cold Damage to Attacks72699
3Adds (26–30) - (35–40) Cold Damage to Attacks603131
4Adds (20–23) - (26–30) Cold Damage to Attacks4813897
5Adds (16–19) - (22–25) Cold Damage to Attacks3613897
6Adds (14–16) - (18–21) Cold Damage to Attacks2413897
0Adds (7–9) - (151–171) Lightning Damage to Attacks1000
1Adds (5–6) - (101–114) Lightning Damage to Attacks80233
2Adds (3–4) - (76–87) Lightning Damage to Attacks72699
3Adds (2–3) - (58–67) Lightning Damage to Attacks603131
4Adds (1–2) - (44–51) Lightning Damage to Attacks4813897
5Adds (1–2) - (37–43) Lightning Damage to Attacks3613897
6Adds 1 - (31–36) Lightning Damage to Attacks2413897
0+(46–60) Intelligence1000
1+(35–45) Intelligence75233
2+(27–34) Intelligence60699
3+(20–26) Intelligence453131
4+(14–19) Intelligence3013897
5+(7–13) Intelligence1513897
6+(2–6) Intelligence113897
0+(46–60) Dexterity1000
1+(35–45) Dexterity75233
2+(27–34) Dexterity60699
3+(20–26) Dexterity453131
4+(14–19) Dexterity3013897
5+(7–13) Dexterity1513897
6+(2–6) Dexterity113897
0+(46–60) Strength1000
1+(35–45) Strength75233
2+(27–34) Strength60699
3+(20–26) Strength453131
4+(14–19) Strength3013897
5+(7–13) Strength1513897
6+(2–6) Strength113897
0Converts 100% Physical Damage to Fire Damage1000
1Converts 80% Physical Damage to Fire Damage83233
2Converts 60% Physical Damage to Fire Damage72699
3Converts 50% Physical Damage to Fire Damage603131
0Converts 100% of Physical Damage to Cold Damage1000
1Converts 80% of Physical Damage to Cold Damage83233
2Converts 60% of Physical Damage to Cold Damage72699
3Converts 50% of Physical Damage to Cold Damage603131
0Converts 100% of Physical Damage to Lightning Damage1000
1Converts 80% of Physical Damage to Lightning Damage83233
2Converts 60% of Physical Damage to Lightning Damage72699
3Converts 50% of Physical Damage to Lightning Damage603131
0Adds (68–78) - (89–102) Cold Damage to Attacks and Spells1000
1Adds (45–52) - (59–68) Cold Damage to Attacks and Spells80233
2Adds (35–40) - (45–52) Cold Damage to Attacks and Spells72699
3Adds (26–30) - (35–40) Cold Damage to Attacks and Spells603131
4Adds (20–23) - (26–30) Cold Damage to Attacks and Spells4813897
5Adds (16–19) - (22–25) Cold Damage to Attacks and Spells3613897
6Adds (14–16) - (18–21) Cold Damage to Attacks and Spells2413897
0-12% additional Regain Interval1000
1-10% additional Regain Interval82250
2-8% additional Regain Interval78857
3-6% additional Regain Interval703030
0+(8–11)% Armor DMG Mitigation Penetration if you have hit an enemy recently1000
1+(6–7)% Armor DMG Mitigation Penetration if you have hit an enemy recently83233
2+5% Armor DMG Mitigation Penetration if you have hit an enemy recently72699
3+4% Armor DMG Mitigation Penetration if you have hit an enemy recently603131
0+(8–11)% Armor DMG Mitigation Penetration for Minions1000
1+(6–7)% Armor DMG Mitigation Penetration for Minions83233
2+5% Armor DMG Mitigation Penetration for Minions72699
3+4% Armor DMG Mitigation Penetration for Minions603131
0Damage Penetrates (11–15)% Elemental Resistance10
0+2 Spell Skill Level10
0Eliminates enemies under 14% Life upon inflicting damage10
0+(13–18)% additional Spell Damage when the Energy Shield is not full10
0Damage Penetrates (11–15)% Elemental Resistance1000
1Damage Penetrates (7–10)% Elemental Resistance78233
2Damage Penetrates (4–6)% Elemental Resistance60699
3Damage Penetrates (1–3)% Elemental Resistance303131
0+2 Spell Skill Level1000
1+1 Spell Skill Level85233
0Eliminates enemies under 12% Life upon inflicting damage1000
1Eliminates enemies under 8% Life upon inflicting damage8378
0+(25–32)% Fire Resistance1000
1+(21–24)% Fire Resistance80233
2+(16–20)% Fire Resistance72699
3+(11–15)% Fire Resistance663131
4+(7–10)% Fire Resistance6013897
5+(2–5)% Fire Resistance11
0+(25–32)% Cold Resistance1000
1+(21–24)% Cold Resistance80233
2+(16–20)% Cold Resistance72699
3+(11–15)% Cold Resistance663131
4+(7–10)% Cold Resistance6013897
5+(2–5)% Cold Resistance11
0+(25–32)% Lightning Resistance1000
1+(21–24)% Lightning Resistance80233
2+(16–20)% Lightning Resistance72699
3+(11–15)% Lightning Resistance663131
4+(7–10)% Lightning Resistance6013897
5+(2–5)% Lightning Resistance11
0+(25–32)% Erosion Resistance1000
1+(21–24)% Erosion Resistance80233
2+(16–20)% Erosion Resistance72699
3+(11–15)% Erosion Resistance663131
4+(7–10)% Erosion Resistance6013897
5+(2–5)% Erosion Resistance11
0+(41–60) Strength and Intelligence1000
0+(41–60) Dexterity and Intelligence1000
0+(81–120)% Critical Strike Rating1000
1+(62–80)% Critical Strike Rating72233
2+(48–61)% Critical Strike Rating60699
3+(37–47)% Critical Strike Rating453131
4+(31–36)% Critical Strike Rating3013897
5+(26–30)% Critical Strike Rating1513897
6+(22–25)% Critical Strike Rating113897
0+(41–60)% Critical Strike Damage1000
1+(31–40)% Critical Strike Damage85233
2+(24–30)% Critical Strike Damage72699
3+(18–23)% Critical Strike Damage603131
4+(12–17)% Critical Strike Damage5013897
5+(6–11)% Critical Strike Damage4013897
6+(2–5)% Critical Strike Damage3013897
0+(17–24)% Attack Speed1000
1+(11–16)% Attack Speed60233
2+(6–10)% Attack Speed30699
3+(2–5)% Attack Speed13131
0+(11–15)% Cast and Movement Speed while Fervor is active1000
1+(6–10)% Cast and Movement Speed while Fervor is active83233
2+(3–5)% Cast and Movement Speed while Fervor is active72699
0+(99–147) Attack Critical Strike Rating1000
1+(76–98) Attack Critical Strike Rating83233
2+(59–75) Attack Critical Strike Rating75699
3+(45–58) Attack Critical Strike Rating603131
4+(38–44) Attack Critical Strike Rating4513897
0+(99–147) Spell Critical Strike Rating1000
1+(76–98) Spell Critical Strike Rating83233
2+(59–75) Spell Critical Strike Rating78699
3+(45–58) Spell Critical Strike Rating703131
4+(38–44) Spell Critical Strike Rating6013897
5+(32–37) Spell Critical Strike Rating5013897
6+(26–31) Spell Critical Strike Rating3713897
0Have Fervor
+(20–30)% Critical Strike Damage
0Reaps 0.2 s of DoT Damage when dealing DoT Damage. The effect has a 1 s cooldown against the same target1000
1Reaps 0.125 s of DoT Damage when dealing DoT Damage. The effect has a 1.5 s cooldown against the same target78233
2Reaps 0.1 s of DoT Damage when dealing DoT Damage. The effect has a 2 s cooldown against the same target60699
0+(40–50)% additional Beam Length1000
1+(25–35)% additional Beam Length83233
0+2 Jumps1000
1+1 Jumps83233
0+(26–37)% Frostbite inflicted1000
1+(20–25)% Frostbite inflicted83250
2+(16–19)% Frostbite inflicted75857
3+(12–15)% Frostbite inflicted603030
0+(73–108)% Fervor effect10
0+1% Skill Area per 15 Intelligence10
0+(5–6)% Max Cold Resistance10
0+(13–18)% chance to deal Double Damage10
0Have Fervor
+20% Critical Strike Damage
1Have Fervor8378
0+(4–5)% Max Cold Resistance1000
1+3% Max Cold Resistance85233
2+2% Max Cold Resistance72699
3+1% Max Cold Resistance603131
0+(13–18)% chance to deal Double Damage1000
1+(8–12)% chance to deal Double Damage78233
2+(5–7)% chance to deal Double Damage60699
3+(2–4)% chance to deal Double Damage303131

INT Gloves Drop

0+(221–264) Max Life1001
1+(176–220) Max Life72456
2+(141–175) Max Life603000
3+(110–140) Max Life483000
4+(79–109) Max Life363000
5+(53–78) Max Life243000
6+(31–52) Max Life123000
7+(11–30) Max Life13000
0Regenerates (121–180) Life per second1001
1Regenerates (91–120) Life per second72152
2Regenerates (69–90) Life per second601000
3Regenerates (48–68) Life per second481000
4Regenerates (33–47) Life per second361000
5Regenerates (19–32) Life per second241000
6Regenerates (10–18) Life per second121000
7Regenerates (3–9) Life per second11000
0+(9–10)% Life Regain10
0+(121–180) Max Mana1001
1+(96–120) Max Mana72152
2+(77–95) Max Mana601000
3+(60–76) Max Mana481000
4+(43–59) Max Mana361000
5+(29–42) Max Mana241000
6+(17–28) Max Mana121000
7+(6–16) Max Mana11000
0+(61–90)% Mana Regeneration Speed1001
1+(48–60)% Mana Regeneration Speed72152
2+(38–47)% Mana Regeneration Speed601000
3+(30–37)% Mana Regeneration Speed481000
4+(22–29)% Mana Regeneration Speed361000
5+(14–21)% Mana Regeneration Speed241000
6+(8–13)% Mana Regeneration Speed121000
7+(3–7)% Mana Regeneration Speed11000
0+(361–432) gear Energy Shield1001
1+(288–360) gear Energy Shield72456
2+(230–287) gear Energy Shield603000
3+(180–229) gear Energy Shield483000
4+(130–179) gear Energy Shield363000
5+(86–129) gear Energy Shield243000
6+(50–85) gear Energy Shield123000
7+(18–49) gear Energy Shield13000
0+(81–99)% gear Energy Shield1001
1+(62–80)% gear Energy Shield85250
2+(48–61)% gear Energy Shield82857
3+(36–47)% gear Energy Shield783030
4+(24–35)% gear Energy Shield7210797
5+(13–23)% gear Energy Shield667720
6+(4–12)% gear Energy Shield606048
0+(9–10)% Energy Shield Regain10
0+(26–38)% Attack Block Chance1001
1+(20–25)% Attack Block Chance85152
2+(15–19)% Attack Block Chance721000
3+(11–14)% Attack Block Chance601000
4+(8–10)% Attack Block Chance501000
5+(4–7)% Attack Block Chance401000
6+(1–3)% Attack Block Chance301000
0+(26–38)% Spell Block Chance1001
1+(20–25)% Spell Block Chance85152
2+(15–19)% Spell Block Chance721000
3+(11–14)% Spell Block Chance601000
4+(8–10)% Spell Block Chance501000
5+(4–7)% Spell Block Chance401000
6+(1–3)% Spell Block Chance301000
0+(11–12)% Block Ratio1001
1+(7–10)% Block Ratio78250
2+(4–6)% Block Ratio60857
3+(1–3)% Block Ratio303030
0Adds (71–81) - (87–99) Physical Damage to Attacks1001
1Adds (47–54) - (58–66) Physical Damage to Attacks80152
2Adds (36–41) - (44–50) Physical Damage to Attacks721000
3Adds (27–31) - (34–39) Physical Damage to Attacks601000
4Adds (21–24) - (26–30) Physical Damage to Attacks481000
5Adds (17–20) - (22–25) Physical Damage to Attacks361000
6Adds (14–17) - (17–20) Physical Damage to Attacks241000
0Adds (66–76) - (91–103) Fire Damage to Attacks1001
1Adds (44–51) - (60–69) Fire Damage to Attacks80152
2Adds (34–39) - (46–53) Fire Damage to Attacks721000
3Adds (26–30) - (35–40) Fire Damage to Attacks601000
4Adds (20–23) - (27–31) Fire Damage to Attacks481000
5Adds (16–19) - (22–26) Fire Damage to Attacks361000
6Adds (14–16) - (18–21) Fire Damage to Attacks241000
0Adds (68–78) - (89–102) Cold Damage to Attacks1001
1Adds (45–52) - (59–68) Cold Damage to Attacks80152
2Adds (35–40) - (45–52) Cold Damage to Attacks721000
3Adds (26–30) - (35–40) Cold Damage to Attacks601000
4Adds (20–23) - (26–30) Cold Damage to Attacks481000
5Adds (16–19) - (22–25) Cold Damage to Attacks361000
6Adds (14–16) - (18–21) Cold Damage to Attacks241000
0Adds (7–9) - (151–171) Lightning Damage to Attacks1001
1Adds (5–6) - (101–114) Lightning Damage to Attacks80152
2Adds (3–4) - (76–87) Lightning Damage to Attacks721000
3Adds (2–3) - (58–67) Lightning Damage to Attacks601000
4Adds (1–2) - (44–51) Lightning Damage to Attacks481000
5Adds (1–2) - (37–43) Lightning Damage to Attacks361000
6Adds 1 - (31–36) Lightning Damage to Attacks241000
0+(46–60) Intelligence1001
1+(35–45) Intelligence75456
2+(27–34) Intelligence603000
3+(20–26) Intelligence453000
4+(14–19) Intelligence303000
5+(7–13) Intelligence153000
6+(2–6) Intelligence13000
0+(46–60) Dexterity1001
1+(35–45) Dexterity75456
2+(27–34) Dexterity603000
3+(20–26) Dexterity453000
4+(14–19) Dexterity303000
5+(7–13) Dexterity153000
6+(2–6) Dexterity13000
0+(46–60) Strength1001
1+(35–45) Strength75456
2+(27–34) Strength603000
3+(20–26) Strength453000
4+(14–19) Strength303000
5+(7–13) Strength153000
6+(2–6) Strength13000
0Converts 100% Physical Damage to Fire Damage1001
1Converts 80% Physical Damage to Fire Damage83152
2Converts 60% Physical Damage to Fire Damage721000
3Converts 50% Physical Damage to Fire Damage601000
0Converts 100% of Physical Damage to Cold Damage1001
1Converts 80% of Physical Damage to Cold Damage83152
2Converts 60% of Physical Damage to Cold Damage721000
3Converts 50% of Physical Damage to Cold Damage601000
0Converts 100% of Physical Damage to Lightning Damage1001
1Converts 80% of Physical Damage to Lightning Damage83152
2Converts 60% of Physical Damage to Lightning Damage721000
3Converts 50% of Physical Damage to Lightning Damage601000
0Adds (68–78) - (89–102) Cold Damage to Attacks and Spells1001
1Adds (45–52) - (59–68) Cold Damage to Attacks and Spells80152
2Adds (35–40) - (45–52) Cold Damage to Attacks and Spells721000
3Adds (26–30) - (35–40) Cold Damage to Attacks and Spells601000
4Adds (20–23) - (26–30) Cold Damage to Attacks and Spells481000
5Adds (16–19) - (22–25) Cold Damage to Attacks and Spells361000
6Adds (14–16) - (18–21) Cold Damage to Attacks and Spells241000
0-12% additional Regain Interval1001
1-10% additional Regain Interval82152
2-8% additional Regain Interval781000
3-6% additional Regain Interval701000
0+(8–11)% Armor DMG Mitigation Penetration if you have hit an enemy recently1001
1+(6–7)% Armor DMG Mitigation Penetration if you have hit an enemy recently83152
2+5% Armor DMG Mitigation Penetration if you have hit an enemy recently721000
3+4% Armor DMG Mitigation Penetration if you have hit an enemy recently601000
0+(8–11)% Armor DMG Mitigation Penetration for Minions1001
1+(6–7)% Armor DMG Mitigation Penetration for Minions83152
2+5% Armor DMG Mitigation Penetration for Minions721000
3+4% Armor DMG Mitigation Penetration for Minions601000
0Damage Penetrates (11–15)% Elemental Resistance10
0+2 Spell Skill Level10
0Eliminates enemies under 14% Life upon inflicting damage10
0+(13–18)% additional Spell Damage when the Energy Shield is not full10
0Damage Penetrates (11–15)% Elemental Resistance1001
1Damage Penetrates (7–10)% Elemental Resistance78152
2Damage Penetrates (4–6)% Elemental Resistance601000
3Damage Penetrates (1–3)% Elemental Resistance301000
0+2 Spell Skill Level1001
1+1 Spell Skill Level85152
0Eliminates enemies under 12% Life upon inflicting damage1001
1Eliminates enemies under 8% Life upon inflicting damage83152
0+(25–32)% Fire Resistance1001
1+(21–24)% Fire Resistance80152
2+(16–20)% Fire Resistance721000
3+(11–15)% Fire Resistance661000
4+(7–10)% Fire Resistance601000
5+(2–5)% Fire Resistance11
0+(25–32)% Cold Resistance1001
1+(21–24)% Cold Resistance80152
2+(16–20)% Cold Resistance721000
3+(11–15)% Cold Resistance661000
4+(7–10)% Cold Resistance601000
5+(2–5)% Cold Resistance11
0+(25–32)% Lightning Resistance1001
1+(21–24)% Lightning Resistance80152
2+(16–20)% Lightning Resistance721000
3+(11–15)% Lightning Resistance661000
4+(7–10)% Lightning Resistance601000
5+(2–5)% Lightning Resistance11
0+(25–32)% Erosion Resistance1001
1+(21–24)% Erosion Resistance80152
2+(16–20)% Erosion Resistance721000
3+(11–15)% Erosion Resistance661000
4+(7–10)% Erosion Resistance601000
5+(2–5)% Erosion Resistance11
0+(41–60) Strength and Intelligence10
0+(41–60) Dexterity and Intelligence10
0+(81–120)% Critical Strike Rating1001
1+(62–80)% Critical Strike Rating72152
2+(48–61)% Critical Strike Rating601000
3+(37–47)% Critical Strike Rating451000
4+(31–36)% Critical Strike Rating301000
5+(26–30)% Critical Strike Rating151000
6+(22–25)% Critical Strike Rating11000
0+(41–60)% Critical Strike Damage1001
1+(31–40)% Critical Strike Damage85152
2+(24–30)% Critical Strike Damage721000
3+(18–23)% Critical Strike Damage601000
4+(12–17)% Critical Strike Damage501000
5+(6–11)% Critical Strike Damage401000
6+(2–5)% Critical Strike Damage301000
0+(17–24)% Attack Speed1001
1+(11–16)% Attack Speed60152
2+(6–10)% Attack Speed301000
3+(2–5)% Attack Speed11000
0+(11–15)% Cast and Movement Speed while Fervor is active1001
1+(6–10)% Cast and Movement Speed while Fervor is active83152
2+(3–5)% Cast and Movement Speed while Fervor is active721000
0+(99–147) Attack Critical Strike Rating1001
1+(76–98) Attack Critical Strike Rating83152
2+(59–75) Attack Critical Strike Rating751000
3+(45–58) Attack Critical Strike Rating601000
4+(38–44) Attack Critical Strike Rating451000
0+(99–147) Spell Critical Strike Rating1001
1+(76–98) Spell Critical Strike Rating83152
2+(59–75) Spell Critical Strike Rating781000
3+(45–58) Spell Critical Strike Rating701000
4+(38–44) Spell Critical Strike Rating601000
5+(32–37) Spell Critical Strike Rating501000
6+(26–31) Spell Critical Strike Rating371000
0Have Fervor
+(20–30)% Critical Strike Damage
0Reaps 0.2 s of DoT Damage when dealing DoT Damage. The effect has a 1 s cooldown against the same target1001
1Reaps 0.125 s of DoT Damage when dealing DoT Damage. The effect has a 1.5 s cooldown against the same target78152
2Reaps 0.1 s of DoT Damage when dealing DoT Damage. The effect has a 2 s cooldown against the same target601000
0+(40–50)% additional Beam Length1001
1+(25–35)% additional Beam Length83152
0+2 Jumps1001
1+1 Jumps83152
0+(26–37)% Frostbite inflicted1001
1+(20–25)% Frostbite inflicted83152
2+(16–19)% Frostbite inflicted751000
3+(12–15)% Frostbite inflicted601000
0+(73–108)% Fervor effect10
0+1% Skill Area per 15 Intelligence10
0+(5–6)% Max Cold Resistance10
0+(13–18)% chance to deal Double Damage10
0Have Fervor
+20% Critical Strike Damage
1Have Fervor83152
0+(4–5)% Max Cold Resistance1001
1+3% Max Cold Resistance85152
2+2% Max Cold Resistance721000
3+1% Max Cold Resistance601000
0+(13–18)% chance to deal Double Damage1001
1+(8–12)% chance to deal Double Damage78152
2+(5–7)% chance to deal Double Damage601000
3+(2–4)% chance to deal Double Damage301000

INT Gloves Dream Talking Interpretation

0Adds (60–66) - (68–74) Physical Damage to Attacks and Spells11
1Adds (51–57) - (59–65) Physical Damage to Attacks and Spells13
2Adds (42–48) - (50–56) Physical Damage to Attacks and Spells18
0Adds (60–66) - (68–74) Fire Damage to Attacks and Spells11
1Adds (51–57) - (59–65) Fire Damage to Attacks and Spells13
2Adds (42–48) - (50–56) Fire Damage to Attacks and Spells18
0Adds (5–6) - (126–132) Cold Damage to Attacks and Spells11
1Adds (3–4) - (109–115) Cold Damage to Attacks and Spells13
2Adds (2–3) - (90–96) Cold Damage to Attacks and Spells18
0Adds (60–66) - (68–74) Lightning Damage to Attacks and Spells11
1Adds (51–57) - (59–65) Lightning Damage to Attacks and Spells13
2Adds (42–48) - (50–56) Lightning Damage to Attacks and Spells18
0Adds (60–66) - (68–74) Erosion Damage to Attacks and Spells11
1Adds (51–57) - (59–65) Erosion Damage to Attacks and Spells13
2Adds (42–48) - (50–56) Erosion Damage to Attacks and Spells18
0+50% chance to cause Ailments11
1+30% chance to cause Ailments13
2+10% chance to cause Ailments18
0+(21–24)% Attack and Spell Block Chance11
1+(18–20)% Attack and Spell Block Chance13
2+(12–17)% Attack and Spell Block Chance18
0+(27–30)% Attack Speed11
1+(22–25)% Attack Speed13
2+(17–21)% Attack Speed18
0+(27–30)% Cast Speed11
1+(22–25)% Cast Speed13
2+(17–21)% Cast Speed18
0+100% chance to cause Blinding on hit11
1+50% chance to cause Blinding on hit13
2+25% chance to cause Blinding on hit18
0100% chance to inflict a stack of Slow on hit11
150% chance to inflict a stack of Slow on hit13
225% chance to inflict a stack of Slow on hit18
0+100% chance to inflict Paralysis on hit11
1+50% chance to inflict Paralysis on hit13
2+25% chance to inflict Paralysis on hit18
0+100% chance to inflict Weaken on hit11
1+50% chance to inflict Weaken on hit13
2+25% chance to inflict Weaken on hit18
0Max Tenacity Blessing Stacks +(1–2)11
1Max Tenacity Blessing Stacks +113
0Converts 100% Physical Damage to Fire Damage11
1Converts 50% Physical Damage to Fire Damage13
2Converts 25% Physical Damage to Fire Damage18
0Converts 100% of Physical Damage to Cold Damage11
1Converts 50% of Physical Damage to Cold Damage13
2Converts 25% of Physical Damage to Cold Damage18
0Converts 100% of Physical Damage to Lightning Damage11
1Converts 50% of Physical Damage to Lightning Damage13
2Converts 25% of Physical Damage to Lightning Damage18
0Converts 100% of Physical Damage to Erosion Damage11
1Converts 50% of Physical Damage to Erosion Damage13
2Converts 25% of Physical Damage to Erosion Damage18
0Triggers Lv. (21–30) Fixate on Critical Strike. Cooldown: 6 s11
1Triggers Lv. (11–20) Fixate on Critical Strike. Cooldown: 8 s13
2Triggers Lv. (1–10) Fixate on Critical Strike. Cooldown: 10 s18
0Triggers Lv. (21–30) Reform on Critical Strike. Cooldown: 6 s11
1Triggers Lv. (11–20) Reform on Critical Strike. Cooldown: 8 s13
2Triggers Lv. (1–10) Reform on Critical Strike. Cooldown: 10 s18
0Triggers Lv. (21–30) Arcane Circle on defeat. Cooldown: 2 s11
1Triggers Lv. (11–20) Arcane Circle on defeat. Cooldown: 2 s13
2Triggers Lv. (1–10) Arcane Circle on defeat. Cooldown: 2 s18
0Triggers Lv. (21–30) Stoneskin on defeat. Cooldown: 2 s11
1Triggers Lv. (11–20) Stoneskin on defeat. Cooldown: 2 s13
2Triggers Lv. (1–10) Stoneskin on defeat. Cooldown: 2 s18
Gear Empowerment /10
type1 level Energy Refine
11 – 440 – 0Energy Core x1
145 – 491 – 9Energy Core x1
150 – 541 – 12Energy Core x1
155 – 591 – 15Energy Core x1
160 – 641 – 18Energy Core x4
165 – 691 – 21Energy Core x4
170 – 741 – 34Energy Core x8
175 – 791 – 48Energy Core x12
180 – 841 – 61Energy Core x16
185 – 1001 – 61Energy Core x20
Dream Talking /7
After Dream Interpretation, select 1 Sweet Dream and 1 Nightmare, and replace the base affix. Shallow Dream Interpretation does not cost Readability. Gear that has undergone Dream Interpretation cannot be used for crafting.
Deep Dream Interpretation costs Readability and cannot be performed when Readability is 0. If the Dream Talking of a piece of Legendary gear is additionally selected, specified Sweet Dream affixes are guaranteed to appear in the options.
Change will re-randomize all values of Sweet Dreams and Nightmares.
Rewinding will restore a piece of gear to its original state before Dream Interpretation. However, Rewinding will not restore Readability.
type name
Shallow Dream
Item level: 82 - 100
Shallow Dream
Item level: 1 - 58
Shallow Dream
Item level: 59 - 81
Deep Dream
Item level: 1 - 100
  • Dream Talking: Ghost Slaughter
  • Dream Talking: Thunder Manipulator
  • Dream Talking: Gloves of the Mage's Assistant
  • Dream Talking: Tyrant's Iron Fist
  • Dream Talking: Praise for Injury
  • Rewind
    Item level: 1 - 58
    Item level: 59 - 81
    Item level: 82 - 100