Legendary Gear Talent Constellation /44
Initial Node
Micro Node
In Netherrealm stages, +1% additional gear Drop Quantity
Micro Node
In Netherrealm stages, +1% additional gear Drop Quantity
Medium Node
In Netherrealm stages, the chance for Legendary gear dropped to be Priceless is increased by 17%
Micro Node
In Netherrealm stages, +1% additional gear Drop Quantity
Micro Node
In Netherrealm stages, +1% additional gear Drop Quantity
Medium Node
In Netherrealm stages, the chance for Legendary gear dropped to have 4 Legendary Aptitude(s) is increased by 20%
Micro Node
In Netherrealm stages, +1% additional gear Drop Quantity
Micro Node
In Netherrealm stages, +1% additional gear Drop Quantity
Micro Node
In Netherrealm stages, +1% additional gear Drop Quantity
Medium Node
In Netherrealm stages, the chance for Legendary gear dropped to have 4 Legendary Aptitude(s) is increased by 30%
Micro Node
In Netherrealm stages, Rare monsters +1% additional gear Drop Quantity
Micro Node
In Netherrealm stages, Rare monsters +1% additional gear Drop Quantity
Micro Node
In Netherrealm stages, Rare monsters +1% additional gear Drop Quantity
Micro Node
In Netherrealm stages, Rare monsters +1% additional gear Drop Quantity
Medium Node
In Netherrealm stages, the chance for Legendary gear dropped from Rare monsters to have 4 Legendary Aptitude(s) is increased by 120%
Micro Node
In Netherrealm stages, +1% additional gear Drop Quantity
Micro Node
In Netherrealm stages, +1% additional gear Drop Quantity
Micro Node
In Netherrealm stages, +1% additional gear Drop Quantity
Medium Node
In Netherrealm stages, the chance for Legendary gear dropped to be Priceless is increased by 17%
Micro Node
In Netherrealm stages, Rare monsters +1% additional gear Drop Quantity
Micro Node
In Netherrealm stages, Rare monsters +1% additional gear Drop Quantity
Micro Node
In Netherrealm stages, Rare monsters +1% additional gear Drop Quantity
Micro Node
In Netherrealm stages, Rare monsters +1% additional gear Drop Quantity
Medium Node
In Netherrealm stages, the chance for Legendary gear dropped by Rare monsters to be Priceless is increased by 34%
Micro Node
In Netherrealm stages, the chance for Ultimate Legendary gear to drop is increased by 20%
Micro Node
In Netherrealm stages, the chance for Ultimate Legendary gear to drop is increased by 20%
Micro Node
In Netherrealm stages, the chance for Ultimate Legendary gear to drop is increased by 20%
Medium Node
In Netherrealm stages, the chance for Ultimate Legendary gear to drop is increased by 120%
Micro Node
In Netherrealm stages, the chance for Ultimate Legendary gear to drop is increased by 20%
Micro Node
In Netherrealm stages, the chance for Ultimate Legendary gear to drop is increased by 20%
Micro Node
In Netherrealm stages, the chance for Ultimate Legendary gear to drop is increased by 20%
Micro Node
In Netherrealm stages, the chance for Ultimate Legendary gear to drop is increased by 20%
Medium Node
In Netherrealm stages, there's a 0.007% chance for Legendary gear to drop with 1 Tarnish the Stars
Micro Node
In Netherrealm stages, bosses have a 6% chance to drop 1 additional piece(s) of gear from the Voyager Set
Micro Node
In Netherrealm stages, bosses have a 6% chance to drop 1 additional piece(s) of gear from the Voyager Set
Micro Node
In Netherrealm stages, bosses have a 6% chance to drop 1 additional piece(s) of gear from the Voyager Set
Micro Node
In Netherrealm stages, bosses have a 6% chance to drop 1 additional piece(s) of gear from the Voyager Set
Medium Node
In Netherrealm stages, bosses have a 26% chance to drop 1 additional piece(s) of gear from the Voyager Set
Micro Node
In Netherrealm stages, there's a 0.5% chance for Legendary gear to drop with 1 additional piece(s) of gear from the Voyager Set
Micro Node
In Netherrealm stages, there's a 0.5% chance for Legendary gear to drop with 1 additional piece(s) of gear from the Voyager Set
Micro Node
In Netherrealm stages, there's a 0.5% chance for Legendary gear to drop with 1 additional piece(s) of gear from the Voyager Set
Micro Node
In Netherrealm stages, there's a 0.5% chance for Legendary gear to drop with 1 additional piece(s) of gear from the Voyager Set
Medium Node
In Netherrealm stages, there's a 2% chance for Legendary gear to drop with 1 additional piece(s) of gear from the Voyager Set