Exclusive Support Skill Tag /57
Support Physical Lightning Fire Cold Erosion
Magnificent Support Skill /57
Focused Shot: Aspire (Magnificent)
Supports Focused Shot.
This skill can only be installed in the third Support Skill Slot of each Active Skill.
+20% additional damage for the supported skill
When you use the supported skill, gain 20 Fervor Rating
If the supported skill is not used within 1 s, lose 5 Fervor Rating every 0.1s
While having 100 Fervor Rating, +(7.5–8.0)% additional damage for the supported skill every time it is used, up to 6 time(s). The damage bonus is lost when Fervor Rating is lower than 50
Focused Shot: Long Shot (Magnificent)
Supports Focused Shot.
This skill can only be installed in the third Support Skill Slot of each Active Skill.
+20% additional damage for the supported skill
When there are no enemies nearby, Fervor's effect on the supported skill additionally +(60–65)% (does not apply to the basic effects of Fervor)
Chain Lightning: Web of Lightning (Magnificent)
Supports Chain of Lightning.
This skill can only be installed in the third Support Skill Slot of each Active Skill.
+20% additional damage for the supported skill
For every 1 Jump, the supported skill releases 1 additional Chain Lightning (does not target the same enemy). Each Chain Lightning can only Jump 1 time(s)
+(16–18)% additional damage for the supported skill
Chain Lightning: Augmentation (Magnificent)
Supports Chain of Lightning.
This skill can only be installed in the third Support Skill Slot of each Active Skill.
+20% additional damage for the supported skill
+(5.5–5.9)% additional damage for every 1 Jump(s) remaining of the supported skill (multiplies)
Focused Slash: Tranquility (Magnificent)
Supports Focused Slash.
This skill can only be installed in the third Support Skill Slot of each Active Skill.
+20% additional damage for the supported skill
While standing still, Fervor's bonus to the supported skill additionally +(12.0–13.0)% every 0.1s, up to 10 time(s). When moving, loses this bonus
Focused Slash: Duel (Magnificent)
Supports Focused Slash.
This skill can only be installed in the third Support Skill Slot of each Active Skill.
+20% additional damage for the supported skill
+(65–70)% additional damage for the supported skill when there is only 1 enemy nearby
Flame Slash: Immediate Threat (Magnificent)
Supports Flame Slash.
This skill can only be installed in the third Support Skill Slot of each Active Skill.
+20% additional damage for the supported skill
The supported skill deals more damage to enemies that are closer within 8 m, dealing up to +(38–40)% additional damage to enemies within 3 m
Blazing Bullet: Fiery Blast (Magnificent)
Supports Blazing Bullet.
This skill can only be installed in the third Support Skill Slot of each Active Skill.
+20% additional damage for the supported skill
-20% additional Projectile Damage for the supported skill
When the supported skill's explosions hit, they inflict 1 stack of debuff that lasts for 5 s and stacks up to 8 time(s)
For each stack of debuff, +3% base radius for explosions generated by the supported skill
For every stack of debuff, +(10.5–11.0)% additional damage dealt to the enemy by the supported skill's explosions
Hammer of Ash: Upheaval (Magnificent)
Supports Hammer of Ash.
This skill can only be installed in the third Support Skill Slot of each Active Skill.
+20% additional damage for the supported skill
+30% base radius for the explosions of the supported skill's Projectiles
+(35–38)% additional damage for the explosions of the supported skill's Projectiles
Hammer of Ash: Rekindle (Magnificent)
Supports Hammer of Ash.
This skill can only be installed in the third Support Skill Slot of each Active Skill.
+20% additional damage for the supported skill
+100% Ignite chance for the supported skill
Adds (120–130)% of Main-Hand Weapon Physical & Fire Damage to Base Ignite Damage for the supported skill
Whirlwind: Endless Wind (Magnificent)
Supports Whirlwind.
This skill can only be installed in the third Support Skill Slot of each Active Skill.
+20% additional damage for the supported skill
When the supported skill launches a Steep Strike, releases Wind Blades at enemies within 20m instead of dealing damage to enemies around itself
+(28–30)% additional damage for the supported skill
Whirlwind: Wind Barrier (Magnificent)
Supports Whirlwind.
This skill can only be installed in the third Support Skill Slot of each Active Skill.
+20% additional damage for the supported skill
The supported skill no longer launches Steep Strike
When the supported skill is channeled, +(3.2–3.6)% chance to avoid damage for every channeled stack, up to 8 time(s)
Lightning Shot: Offshoot (Magnificent)
Supports Lightning Shot.
This skill can only be installed in the third Support Skill Slot of each Active Skill.
+20% additional damage for the supported skill
When the supported skill's Chain Lightning hits, generates 2 secondary Chain Lightnings that aren't affected by quantity bonuses
The supported skill's Chain Lightning Jumps are fixed at
+50% Jump radius and tracking radius for the supported skill's Chain Lightnings
+(12–14)% additional damage for the supported skill
Split Shot: Volley (Magnificent)
Supports Split Shot.
This skill can only be installed in the third Support Skill Slot of each Active Skill.
+20% additional damage for the supported skill
Projectile Quantity of the supported skill +2
The supported skill's Projectiles will be fired as a volley
The supported skill has Shotgun Effect
(-51.5–-50.5)% additional damage for the supported skill
Split Shot: Diversion (Magnificent)
Supports Split Shot.
This skill can only be installed in the third Support Skill Slot of each Active Skill.
+20% additional damage for the supported skill
Projectile Quantity of the supported skill +5
The supported skill's Projectiles will aim at different targets in front of you
+(11–13)% additional damage for the supported skill
Ice Shot: Ice Blast (Magnificent)
Supports Ice Shot.
This skill can only be installed in the third Support Skill Slot of each Active Skill.
+20% additional damage for the supported skill
When a Projectile of the supported skill hits, for every 1 Frostbite Rating the enemy has, 0.2% base radius for the generated explosion, up to 100 time(s)
When a Projectile of the supported skill hits, for every 1 Frostbite Rating the enemy has, (0.90–0.95)% additional damage for the generated explosion, up to 100 time(s)
Berserking Blade: Desperation (Magnificent)
Supports Berserking Blade.
This skill can only be installed in the third Support Skill Slot of each Active Skill.
+20% additional damage for the supported skill
For every 5% Life lost, +(2.7–2.9)% additional damage for the supported skill, up to 38% additional damage
Berserking Blade: Sweep (Magnificent)
Supports Berserking Blade.
This skill can only be installed in the third Support Skill Slot of each Active Skill.
+20% additional damage for the supported skill
Doubles the skills buff stack upper limit. Each buff grants (0.40–0.45)% additional Skill Area for the skill
Corrosive Shot: Swift Action (Magnificent)
Supports Corrosive Shot.
This skill can only be installed in the third Support Skill Slot of each Active Skill.
+20% additional damage for the supported skill
When casting the supported skill, there is 100% chance to gain 1 charge stack(s)
+(28–30)% additional damage for the supported skill
Thunder Spike: Numb (Magnificent)
Supports Thunder Spike.
This skill can only be installed in the third Support Skill Slot of each Active Skill.
+20% additional damage for the supported skill
For every +2% Numbed chance, +1% chance to inflict 1 stack of Numbed on enemies within 10m when the supported skill's Shadows hit an enemy
+(3–4)% additional damage for the supported skill
Thunder Slash: Keen Edge (Magnificent)
Supports Thunder Slash.
This skill can only be installed in the third Support Skill Slot of each Active Skill.
+20% additional damage for the supported skill
-1 to the number of Multistrikes required for the supported skill's Steep Strike attempts
+(6–7)% additional Attack Speed when the supported skill launches Multistrikes
Ring of Blades: Blade Formation (Magnificent)
Supports Ring of Blades.
This skill can only be installed in the third Support Skill Slot of each Active Skill.
+20% additional damage for the supported skill
This skill +10% Skill Area for every +1 Projectile Quantity
+(24–26)% additional damage for the supported skill
Rain of Arrows: Swift Flight (Magnificent)
Supports Rain of Arrows.
This skill can only be installed in the third Support Skill Slot of each Active Skill.
+20% additional damage for the supported skill
Increases the Projectile Speed additional damage bonus for the supported skill to (100–102)%
Split Firebolt: Split (Magnificent)
Supports Split Firebolt.
This skill can only be installed in the third Support Skill Slot of each Active Skill.
+20% additional damage for the supported skill
The number of small fireballs split off +1 for the supported skill
+(16–19)% additional damage for the supported skill
Ice Lances: Rebound (Magnificent)
Supports Ice Lances.
This skill can only be installed in the third Support Skill Slot of each Active Skill.
+20% additional damage for the supported skill
The supported skill's Projectiles can Jump off the ground
After Jumping off the ground, they can Jump toward enemies they have hit before
-10% additional damage for the supported skill for every Jump (multiplies)
The supported skill's Projectiles can Jump off the ground\nAfter Jumping off the ground, they can Jump toward enemies they have hit before
-10% additional damage for the supported skill for every Jump (multiplies)
(-26–-25)% additional damage for the supported skill
Ice Lances: Ice Corrosion (Magnificent)
Supports Ice Lances.
This skill can only be installed in the third Support Skill Slot of each Active Skill.
+20% additional damage for the supported skill
When the supported skill hits a unit on a Frost Terra, inflicts 1 stack(s) of Slow
The supported skill deals +(47–50)% additional damage to enemies on a Frost Terra
Ring of Ice: Ice Seal (Magnificent)
Supports Ring of Ice.
This skill can only be installed in the third Support Skill Slot of each Active Skill.
+20% additional damage for the supported skill
For every +1% Frostbite Chance, +1% chance for the supported skill to trigger the supported skill upon defeating an enemy
+(10–12)% additional damage for the supported skill
Flame Jet: Burst (Magnificent)
Supports Flame Jet.
This skill can only be installed in the third Support Skill Slot of each Active Skill.
+20% additional damage for the supported skill
The supported skill's Projectiles can Split and deal +(22–24)% additional damage
Flame Jet: Scorched Earth (Magnificent)
Supports Flame Jet.
This skill can only be installed in the third Support Skill Slot of each Active Skill.
+20% additional damage for the supported skill
The supported skill's Fire Bombs leave a small Flame Terra on the ground after landing, dealing 40% of Flame Terra Damage. The small Flame Terra lasts for 1.5s
(-40–-39)% additional damage for the supported skill
Frost Terra: Rime (Magnificent)
Supports Frost Terra.
This skill can only be installed in the third Support Skill Slot of each Active Skill.
+20% additional damage for the supported skill
The supported skill's damage inflicts Frostbite and (12–13) Frostbite Rating per second to all enemies in it
Frost Terra: Snow Shell (Magnificent)
Supports Frost Terra.
This skill can only be installed in the third Support Skill Slot of each Active Skill.
+20% additional damage for the supported skill
When you and your allies are on a Terra spawned by the supported skill, (12.0–12.5)% Max Energy Shield will be restored per second
Thunderbolt Overload: Leap (Magnificent)
Supports Thunderbolt Overload.
This skill can only be installed in the third Support Skill Slot of each Active Skill.
+20% additional damage for the supported skill
+1 Jump(s) for the supported skill
+20% additional Projectile Speed for every time the supported skill Jumps
(-10–-8)% additional damage for the supported skill
Thunderbolt Overload: Retribution (Magnificent)
Supports Thunderbolt Overload.
This skill can only be installed in the third Support Skill Slot of each Active Skill.
+20% additional damage for the supported skill
+2 Jump(s) for the supported skill
After the supported skill's Projectiles land, they target an enemy with the highest rarity within 8m and Jump at the target. Projectiles Jump on the spot after the target is defeated
(-28.0–-27.0)% additional damage for the supported skill
Summon Thunder Spirit: Lightning Ward (Magnificent)
Supports Summon Thunder Spirit.
This skill can only be installed in the third Support Skill Slot of each Passive Skill.
+20% additional damage for Minions summoned by the supported skill
Origin of Spirit Magus provided by the supported skill gains an additional effect: +(1.8–2.2)% Max Lightning Resistance
Summon Thunder Spirit: Continuation (Magnificent)
Supports Summon Thunder Spirit.
This skill can only be installed in the third Support Skill Slot of each Passive Skill.
+20% additional damage for Minions summoned by the supported skill
+50% Projectile Range for Minions summoned by the supported skill
(-17.0–-15.5)% additional damage for Minions summoned by the supported skill
Summon Frost Spirit: Cold Ward (Magnificent)
Supports Summon Frost Spirit.
This skill can only be installed in the third Support Skill Slot of each Passive Skill.
+20% additional damage for Minions summoned by the supported skill
Origin of Spirit Magus provided by the supported skill gains an additional effect: +(1.8–2.2)% Max Cold Resistance
Summon Frost Spirit: Piercing Cold (Magnificent)
Supports Summon Frost Spirit.
This skill can only be installed in the third Support Skill Slot of each Passive Skill.
+20% additional damage for Minions summoned by the supported skill
+20% inflicted Frostbite Rating for Minions summoned by the supported skill
+(56–60)% additional damage dealt to Frozen enemies for Minions summoned by the supported skill
Summon Frost Spirit: Ice Crusher (Magnificent)
Supports Summon Frost Spirit.
This skill can only be installed in the third Support Skill Slot of each Passive Skill.
+20% additional damage for Minions summoned by the supported skill
The Enhanced Skill of Minions summoned by the supported skill will generate 2 additional explosion(s)
+10% base radius for each explosion
(-59–-58)% additional damage for Minions summoned by the supported skill
Summon Flame Spirit: Fire Ward (Magnificent)
Supports Summon Fire Spirit.
This skill can only be installed in the third Support Skill Slot of each Passive Skill.
+20% additional damage for Minions summoned by the supported skill
Origin of Spirit Magus provided by the supported skill gains an additional effect: +(1.8–2.2)% Max Fire Resistance
Summon Flame Spirit: Aflame (Magnificent)
Supports Summon Fire Spirit.
This skill can only be installed in the third Support Skill Slot of each Passive Skill.
+20% additional damage for Minions summoned by the supported skill
When a Minion summoned by the supported skill casts an Enhanced Skill, +40% chance to trigger double casting, which makes the skill generate 2 consecutive explosions
When triggering double casting, +40% chance to trigger triple casting
When a Minion summoned by the supported skill triggers double casting, the skill +15% base radius for each casting
The Enhanced Skills of Minions summoned by the supported skill can't activate Spell Burst
(-18.0–-16.0)% additional damage for Minions summoned by the supported skill
Summon Flame Spirit: Flowing Flames (Magnificent)
Supports Summon Fire Spirit.
This skill can only be installed in the third Support Skill Slot of each Passive Skill.
+20% additional damage for Minions summoned by the supported skill
-80% additional Hit Damage for Minions summoned by the supported skill
Replaces the Ultimate of Minions summoned by the supported skill with Melting Explosion
+(50–55)% additional DoT Damage for Minions summoned by the supported skill
Synthetic Troop: Force Field (Magnificent)
Supports Synthetic Troop Skill.
This skill can only be installed in the third Support Skill Slot of each Passive Skill.
+20% additional damage for Minions summoned by the supported skill
+(30–32)% Max Life as Energy Shield for Minions summoned by the supported skill when having at least 30 Command
Summon Machine Guard: Iron Fist (Magnificent)
Supports Summon Machine Guard.
This skill can only be installed in the third Support Skill Slot of each Active Skill.
+20% additional damage for Minions summoned by the supported skill
+25% additional Skill Area for the Onslaught Punch cast by Minions summoned by the supported skill
When a Minion summoned by the supported skill defeats an enemy, its next skill is guaranteed to cast an Onslaught Punch. Cooldown: 1 s
+(42–45)% additional damage for the Onslaught Punch cast by Minions summoned by the supported skill
Summon Machine Guard: Pummel (Magnificent)
Supports Summon Machine Guard.
This skill can only be installed in the third Support Skill Slot of each Active Skill.
+20% additional damage for Minions summoned by the supported skill
Upon casting Onslaught Punch, Minions summoned by the supported skill gain a buff that lasts for 2 s. While the buff is active:
+(50–54)% additional damage for the Overpower of Minions summoned by the supported skill
+15% additional Skill Area for the Overpower of Minions summoned by the supported skill
+30% Physique for Minions summoned by the supported skill
Summon Grim Phantom: Glare (Magnificent)
Supports Summon Grim Phantom.
This skill can only be installed in the third Support Skill Slot of each Active Skill.
+20% additional damage for Minions summoned by the supported skill
For every 4 time(s) a Minion summoned by the supported skill casts High Energy Beam, 1.5% Skill Area for this skill for every 1 Command the character has, up to 50 time(s)
For every 4 time(s) a Minion summoned by the supported skill casts High Energy Beam, +(2.3–2.5)% additional damage for this skill for every 1 Command the character has, up to 50 time(s)
Summon Grim Phantom: Spur (Magnificent)
Supports Summon Grim Phantom.
This skill can only be installed in the third Support Skill Slot of each Active Skill.
+20% additional damage for Minions summoned by the supported skill
+25% additional Cast Speed for the Destructive Light Cannon cast by Minions summoned by the supported skill when having at least 30 Command
+(72–78)% additional damage for the Destructive Light Cannon cast by Minions summoned by the supported skill when having at least 30 Command
Summon Spider Tank: Steamroll (Magnificent)
Supports Summon Spider Tank.
This skill can only be installed in the third Support Skill Slot of each Active Skill.
+20% additional damage for Minions summoned by the supported skill
After an enemy is hit 12 time(s) by Minions summoned by the supported skill, the next hit from a Minion triggers a Pulse centered on the enemy, dealing Physical Attack Damage to enemies within a 4 m radius. Hits from the Pulse will not trigger this effect
Pulse Damage is 250% of Projectile Damage
+(9.0–11.0)% additional damage for Minions summoned by the supported skill
Groundshaker: Frequent Quake (Magnificent)
Supports Groundshaker.
This skill can only be installed in the third Support Skill Slot of each Active Skill.
+20% additional damage for the supported skill
When the supported skill consumes Demolisher Charge, -0.2 Fissure Spread Time
When the fissure created by the supported skill has spread to the max, it lasts for 1.5 s instead of causing explosions
When the fissure is activated after it has spread to the max, it deals fissure damage to enemies once and will be triggered once every 0.4 s after that, dealing damage to enemies within range
+(70–72)% additional damage for the supported skill
Groundshaker: Epicenter (Magnificent)
Supports Groundshaker.
This skill can only be installed in the third Support Skill Slot of each Active Skill.
+20% additional damage for the supported skill
When the fissure created by the supported skill spreads, knocks back enemies hit toward the center of the fissure by 2 m
The supported skill deals up to +(31–33)% additional damage to enemies at the Center
Howling Gale: Rapid Sweep (Magnificent)
Supports Howling Gale.
This skill can only be installed in the third Support Skill Slot of each Active Skill.
+20% additional damage for the supported skill
+(3.4–3.7)% additional damage for every 1s the Gale of the skill lasts. Stacks up to 10 time(s). For every channeled stack this skill loses, loses 2 stacks of this buff. All stacks of this buff are lost when all channeled stacks are lost
Howling Gale: Headwind (Magnificent)
Supports Howling Gale.
This skill can only be installed in the third Support Skill Slot of each Active Skill.
+20% additional damage for the supported skill
+50% Knockback Chance for this skill. +(22–24)% additional damage taken by enemies recently knocked back by this skill
Fire Burst: Heart of Flame (Magnificent)
Supports Fire Burst.
This skill can only be installed in the third Support Skill Slot of each Active Skill.
+20% additional damage for the supported skill
When the supported skill activates Spell Burst, skills cast by Spell Burst deal +(10.0–11.0)% additional damage to enemies in the center for every 1 stack(s) of Spell Burst Charge consumed
Fire Burst: Violent Blast (Magnificent)
Supports Fire Burst.
This skill can only be installed in the third Support Skill Slot of each Active Skill.
+20% additional damage for the supported skill
When the supported skill lands a Critical Strike, triggers the supported skill on the target once
The skill triggered by this effect won't trigger this effect again
(-25.0–-24.0)% additional damage for the supported skill
Icebound Beam: Frostbitten (Magnificent)
Supports Icebound Beam.
This skill can only be installed in the third Support Skill Slot of each Active Skill.
+20% additional damage for the supported skill
The supported skill's Beam inflicts 1 stack of debuff that lasts for 1s on enemies on hit, with each stack of debuff additionally increasing the skill's damage by +(4.0–4.3)% . Stacks up to 8 times
Icebound Beam: Numbing Cold (Magnificent)
Supports Icebound Beam.
This skill can only be installed in the third Support Skill Slot of each Active Skill.
+20% additional damage for the supported skill
被辅助技能的射线击中敌人时,每秒施加冰结状态和 5 点冰结值,持续 3 秒
+(12–14)% additional damage for the supported skill
Scorching Beam: Supercharge (Magnificent)
Supports Scorching Beam.
This skill can only be installed in the third Support Skill Slot of each Active Skill.
+20% additional damage for the supported skill
+(6.0–6.4)% additional damage for the supported skill for every channeled stack
Scorching Beam: Shockwave (Magnificent)
Supports Scorching Beam.
This skill can only be installed in the third Support Skill Slot of each Active Skill.
+20% additional damage for the supported skill
For every explosion generated by the supported skill recently, +2% additional Skill Area and +(1.2–1.3)% additional damage for this skill, up to 20 time(s)