
During Mobile Mode, +0.2 Projectile Spreading Angle for every stack of Overheated
During Annihilator Mode, +0.1 Projectile Max Deviation Angle for every stack of Overheated
Legendary Gear /2
Bone-Burning Bullet
Require lv 1
Gains Magazine Capacity equal to twice the sum of unlocked engram sequence numbers

+(5–20)% additional Projectile Skill Cost for every +1 Magazine Capacity gained from this Relic
When having more Overheated stacks than Heat Up stacks, loses (3–6) stack(s) of Overheated when casting a Projectile Skill as many times as the sum of unlocked engram sequence numbers
Break the Last Magazine
Require lv 1
Clicking the Trait Skill while reloading will quickly activate the spare magazine, retaining Heat Up and removing stacks of Overheated until it has the same number of stacks as Heat Up
The spare magazine has (10–50)% Magazine Capacity
After using the spare magazine, reloads twice and fills both magazines