Profound Talent Constellation /9
Initial Node
Micro Node
In Netherrealm stages, +5% Drop Quantity
Medium Node
In Netherrealm stages (Timemark 7 or higher), Starshards dropped have a +30% chance to be replicated once
-2 Confusion Card(s) drawn when Netherrealm Chaos Invasion starts
Micro Node
In Netherrealm stages, +5% Drop Quantity
Medium Node
Starshards do not drop in Netherrealm stages
When completing a stage with a Confusion Card, +20% chance to +1 additional progress to this Confusion Card
Micro Node
In Netherrealm stages, +5% Drop Quantity
Medium Node
Max Base Affixes in Netherrealm stages +1
Netherrealm stage challenge attempts -4
Micro Node
In Netherrealm stages, +5% Drop Quantity
Medium Node
In Netherrealm stages, monsters +30% additional Max Life
10% chance to not consume Compasses when starting a Netherrealm stage