Seething Spirit /1
affix note drop
Alert Area set as 1000

Ignite +30% additional Affliction effect
+30% additional Trauma Reaping Duration
Gains 3% of Lightning Damage hit as Base Shock Damage on hit

Shock Damage can only be settled 12 times
hp: 25 mana: 0 shield: 0 damage: 40 armour: 1 hit: 1 dodge: 0 attack_block: 0 spell_block: 0 fire_res: 0 ice_res: 0 light_res: 0 chaos_res: 0 cri_rate: 100 cri_dmg: -40 hp_recovery: 0 mana_recovery: 2 experience:
Minion /1
skill_level hp mana shield armour hit dodge attack_block spell_block fire_res ice_res light_res chaos_res cri_rate cri_dmg hp_recovery mana_recovery move_speed defend_range chase_range
Legendary Gear /3
Spirit of Ancient Sorcery
Require lv 1
  • +(15–17) Max Rage for every Magic Hero Memory engraved
  • +(6–7)% additional Seething Spirit Damage for every Legendary Hero Memory engraved
Future Burnt Offering
Require lv 1
  • Seething Spirit will always exist and attack automatically while Berserk is active
  • +(90–100)% additional Seething Spirit Damage if you are Disarmed while Berserk is active (engram 5 exclusive)
Future Burnt Offering - Prototype
Require lv 1
  • Seething Spirit will always exist and attack automatically while Berserk is active
  • +(40–60)% additional Seething Spirit Damage if you are Disarmed while Berserk is active (engram 5 exclusive)