Staff /16
Withervine Staff
Require lv 1
4 - 6 Physical Damage
1.3 Attack Speed
400 Critical Strike Rating
+4% Cast Speed
Bonewood Staff
Require lv 2
8 - 13 Physical Damage
1.3 Attack Speed
400 Critical Strike Rating
+(16–20)% Critical Strike Rating
Ivory Staff
Require lv 6
13 - 21 Physical Damage
1.3 Attack Speed
400 Critical Strike Rating
+6% Cast Speed
Iron Staff
Require lv 12
20 - 32 Physical Damage
1.3 Attack Speed
400 Critical Strike Rating
+(24–30)% Critical Strike Rating
Viper Staff
Require lv 20
26 - 42 Physical Damage
1.3 Attack Speed
400 Critical Strike Rating
+9% Cast Speed
Gilt Staff
Require lv 27
32 - 51 Physical Damage
1.3 Attack Speed
400 Critical Strike Rating
+(32–40)% Critical Strike Rating
Flower Sea Staff
Require lv 34
38 - 61 Physical Damage
1.3 Attack Speed
400 Critical Strike Rating
+(28–35)% Minion Max Life
Monkey Staff
Require lv 34
38 - 61 Physical Damage
1.3 Attack Speed
400 Critical Strike Rating
+(8–10)% Cast Speed
White Crystal Staff
Require lv 40
43 - 69 Physical Damage
1.3 Attack Speed
400 Critical Strike Rating
+(40–50)% Critical Strike Rating
Black Feather Staff
Require lv 46
48 - 77 Physical Damage
1.3 Attack Speed
400 Critical Strike Rating
+(12–15)% Cast Speed
Twilight Staff
Require lv 52
52 - 83 Physical Damage
1.3 Attack Speed
400 Critical Strike Rating
+(48–60)% Critical Strike Rating
Voodoo Staff
Require lv 60
65 - 104 Physical Damage
1.3 Attack Speed
400 Critical Strike Rating
+(12–15)% Cast Speed
Sage's Staff
Require lv 66
72 - 115 Physical Damage
1.3 Attack Speed
400 Critical Strike Rating
+(52–65)% Critical Strike Rating
Devout Staff
Require lv 66
72 - 115 Physical Damage
1.3 Attack Speed
400 Critical Strike Rating
+(36–45)% Minion Max Life
Wind God's Staff
Require lv 76
78 - 125 Physical Damage
1.3 Attack Speed
400 Critical Strike Rating
+8% Attack and Spell Block Chance
Warden's Staff
Require lv 76
72 - 115 Physical Damage
1.3 Attack Speed
400 Critical Strike Rating
Adds 3% of Max Mana as Energy Shield
Legendary Gear /5
Sage's Foresight
Require lv 16
+(60–70)% Spell Damage
+40 Max Mana
Adds (67–68) - (99–105) Cold Damage to Attacks and Spells
+(10–25)% Skill Area
Require lv 58
When Focus Blessing reaches max stacks, triggers Lv. (26–30) Scorching Pulse when taking damage. Cooldown: 0.3 s.
When you have 3 types of Blessings, +40% Injury Buffer for yourself and Nearby enemies.
Sage's Disciple
Require lv 58
Adds 300 - 500 Fire, Cold, and Lightning Damage to Spells when having at least 1000 Intelligence
+(20–30)% Intelligence
+(2–3)% additional Max Energy Shield for every 200 Intelligence
Traveler's Prayer
Require lv 58
Gains 4 Command every second for each activated Aura
-100% Aura Effect received by you and +120% Aura Effect
Elemental Sigh
Require lv 58
+4% Elemental Resistance Penetration for every +5% Attack Block
+(11–12)% Critical Strike Damage for every +5% Spell Block
Legendary Gear Corroded /5
Sage's Foresight
Require lv 16
+(80–100)% Spell Damage
+60 Max Mana
Adds (87–98) - (148–154) Cold Damage to Attacks and Spells
+(15–30)% Skill Area
Require lv 58
When Focus Blessing reaches max stacks, triggers Lv. (31–40) Scorching Pulse when taking damage. Cooldown: 0.3 s.
When you have 3 types of Blessings, +50% Injury Buffer for yourself and Nearby enemies.
Sage's Disciple
Require lv 58
Adds 400 - 600 Fire, Cold, and Lightning Damage to Spells when having at least 1000 Intelligence
+(30–40)% Intelligence
+(3–4)% additional Max Energy Shield for every 200 Intelligence
Traveler's Prayer
Require lv 58
Gains 5 Command every second for each activated Aura
-100% Aura Effect received by you and +144% Aura Effect
Elemental Sigh
Require lv 58
+5% Elemental Resistance Penetration for every +5% Attack Block
+(13–15)% Critical Strike Damage for every +5% Spell Block
Enchant /80
Unlocked after completing Chapter 3 Star's Fall - Shimmering Nightstar
Type Effect affix_type Cost Lv
Fire Damage+(32–37)% Fire DamagePre-fixGround Quartz x10Lv 30
Fire Damage+(38–45)% Fire DamagePre-fixFlame Sand x1Lv 40
Fire Damage+(46–54)% Fire DamagePre-fixFlame Sand x10Lv 50
Cold Damage+(32–37)% Cold DamagePre-fixGround Quartz x10Lv 30
Cold Damage+(38–45)% Cold DamagePre-fixFlame Sand x1Lv 40
Cold Damage+(46–54)% Cold DamagePre-fixFlame Sand x10Lv 50
Lightning Damage+(32–37)% Lightning DamagePre-fixGround Quartz x10Lv 30
Lightning Damage+(38–45)% Lightning DamagePre-fixFlame Sand x1Lv 40
Lightning Damage+(46–54)% Lightning DamagePre-fixFlame Sand x10Lv 50
Erosion Damage+(38–45)% Erosion DamagePre-fixFlame Sand x1Lv 40
Erosion Damage+(46–54)% Erosion DamagePre-fixFlame Sand x10Lv 50
Attack and Spell Critical Strike Damage+(27–31)% Critical Strike DamageSuffixGround Quartz x10Lv 30
Attack and Spell Critical Strike Damage+(32–37)% Critical Strike DamageSuffixFlame Sand x1Lv 40
Attack and Spell Critical Strike Damage+(38–45)% Critical Strike DamageSuffixFlame Sand x10Lv 50
Fire Resistance+(9–18)% Fire ResistanceSuffixGround Quartz x20Lv 60
Fire Resistance+(19–26)% Fire ResistanceSuffixFlame Sand x2Lv 70
Fire Resistance+(27–36)% Fire ResistanceSuffixFlame Sand x20Lv 80
Cold Resistance+(9–18)% Cold ResistanceSuffixGround Quartz x20Lv 60
Cold Resistance+(19–26)% Cold ResistanceSuffixFlame Sand x2Lv 70
Cold Resistance+(27–36)% Cold ResistanceSuffixFlame Sand x20Lv 80
Lightning Resistance+(9–18)% Lightning ResistanceSuffixGround Quartz x20Lv 60
Lightning Resistance+(19–26)% Lightning ResistanceSuffixFlame Sand x2Lv 70
Lightning Resistance+(27–36)% Lightning ResistanceSuffixFlame Sand x20Lv 80
Erosion Resistance+(9–18)% Erosion ResistanceSuffixGround Quartz x20Lv 60
Erosion Resistance+(19–26)% Erosion ResistanceSuffixFlame Sand x2Lv 70
Erosion Resistance+(27–36)% Erosion ResistanceSuffixFlame Sand x20Lv 80
Strength+(24–30) StrengthPre-fixGround Quartz x20Lv 30
Strength+(31–40) StrengthPre-fixFlame Sand x2Lv 40
Strength+(41–50) StrengthPre-fixFlame Sand x20Lv 50
Dexterity+(24–30) DexterityPre-fixGround Quartz x20Lv 30
Dexterity+(31–40) DexterityPre-fixFlame Sand x2Lv 40
Dexterity+(41–50) DexterityPre-fixFlame Sand x20Lv 50
Intelligence+(24–30) IntelligencePre-fixGround Quartz x20Lv 30
Intelligence+(31–40) IntelligencePre-fixFlame Sand x2Lv 40
Intelligence+(41–50) IntelligencePre-fixFlame Sand x20Lv 50
Mana+(44–52) Max ManaPre-fixGround Quartz x1Lv 30
Mana+(53–63) Max ManaPre-fixGround Quartz x10Lv 40
Mana+(64–75) Max ManaPre-fixFlame Sand x1Lv 50
Mana+(76–91) Max ManaPre-fixFlame Sand x10Lv 60
Cast Speed+(11–12)% Cast SpeedSuffixGround Quartz x10Lv 30
Cast Speed+(13–15)% Cast SpeedSuffixFlame Sand x1Lv 40
Cast Speed+(16–18)% Cast SpeedSuffixFlame Sand x10Lv 50
Minion Damage+(27–31)% Minion DamagePre-fixGround Quartz x10Lv 30
Minion Damage+(32–37)% Minion DamagePre-fixFlame Sand x1Lv 40
Minion Damage+(38–45)% Minion DamagePre-fixFlame Sand x10Lv 50
Minion Life+(14–15)% Minion Max LifePre-fixGround Quartz x10Lv 30
Minion Life+(16–18)% Minion Max LifePre-fixFlame Sand x1Lv 40
Minion Life+(19–22)% Minion Max LifePre-fixFlame Sand x10Lv 50
Spell Damage+(32–37)% Spell DamagePre-fixGround Quartz x10Lv 30
Spell Damage+(38–45)% Spell DamagePre-fixFlame Sand x1Lv 40
Spell Damage+(46–54)% Spell DamagePre-fixFlame Sand x10Lv 50
Adds Fire Damage to SpellsAdds (22–26) - (31–36) Fire Damage to SpellsPre-fixGround Quartz x10Lv 30
Adds Fire Damage to SpellsAdds (28–32) - (37–43) Fire Damage to SpellsPre-fixFlame Sand x1Lv 40
Adds Fire Damage to SpellsAdds (33–38) - (45–52) Fire Damage to SpellsPre-fixFlame Sand x10Lv 50
Adds Cold Damage to SpellsAdds (23–27) - (30–35) Cold Damage to SpellsPre-fixGround Quartz x10Lv 30
Adds Cold Damage to SpellsAdds (28–32) - (37–43) Cold Damage to SpellsPre-fixFlame Sand x1Lv 40
Adds Cold Damage to SpellsAdds (34–39) - (44–51) Cold Damage to SpellsPre-fixFlame Sand x10Lv 50
Adds Lightning Damage to SpellsAdds (1–2) - (35–40) Lightning Damage to SpellsPre-fixGround Quartz x10Lv 30
Adds Lightning Damage to SpellsAdds (1–2) - (42–48) Lightning Damage to SpellsPre-fixFlame Sand x1Lv 40
Adds Lightning Damage to SpellsAdds (2–3) - (50–57) Lightning Damage to SpellsPre-fixFlame Sand x10Lv 50
Adds Erosion Damage to SpellsAdds (25–29) - (29–33) Erosion Damage to SpellsPre-fixGround Quartz x10Lv 30
Adds Erosion Damage to SpellsAdds (30–35) - (35–40) Erosion Damage to SpellsPre-fixFlame Sand x1Lv 40
Adds Erosion Damage to SpellsAdds (36–42) - (42–48) Erosion Damage to SpellsPre-fixFlame Sand x10Lv 50
Added % of Physical Damage as Erosion DamageAdds 2% of Physical Damage as Erosion DamagePre-fixGround Quartz x10Lv 30
Added % of Physical Damage as Erosion DamageAdds (3–4)% of Physical Damage as Erosion DamagePre-fixFlame Sand x1Lv 40
Added % of Physical Damage as Erosion DamageAdds (5–6)% of Physical Damage as Erosion DamagePre-fixFlame Sand x10Lv 50
Added % of Fire Damage as Erosion DamageAdds 2% of Fire Damage as Erosion DamagePre-fixGround Quartz x10Lv 30
Added % of Fire Damage as Erosion DamageAdds (3–4)% of Fire Damage as Erosion DamagePre-fixFlame Sand x1Lv 40
Added % of Fire Damage as Erosion DamageAdds (5–6)% of Fire Damage as Erosion DamagePre-fixFlame Sand x10Lv 50
Added % of Cold Damage as Erosion DamageAdds 2% of Cold Damage as Erosion DamagePre-fixGround Quartz x10Lv 30
Added % of Cold Damage as Erosion DamageAdds (3–4)% of Cold Damage as Erosion DamagePre-fixFlame Sand x1Lv 40
Added % of Cold Damage as Erosion DamageAdds (5–6)% of Cold Damage as Erosion DamagePre-fixFlame Sand x10Lv 50
Added % of Lightning Damage as Erosion DamageAdds 2% of Lightning Damage as Erosion DamagePre-fixGround Quartz x10Lv 30
Added % of Lightning Damage as Erosion DamageAdds (3–4)% of Lightning Damage as Erosion DamagePre-fixFlame Sand x1Lv 40
Added % of Lightning Damage as Erosion DamageAdds (5–6)% of Lightning Damage as Erosion DamagePre-fixFlame Sand x10Lv 50
Spell Critical Strike Rating+(53–63)% Spell Critical Strike RatingSuffixGround Quartz x10Lv 30
Spell Critical Strike Rating+(64–75)% Spell Critical Strike RatingSuffixFlame Sand x1Lv 40
Spell Critical Strike Rating+(76–91)% Spell Critical Strike RatingSuffixFlame Sand x10Lv 50
Spell Damage; Reduced Skill Cost+(20–30)% Spell Damage
(-5–-4)% Skill Cost
Pre-fixFlame Elementium x5Lv 60
Chance to trigger Secret Origin Unleash on defeattrigger 10% chance to trigger Lv. 1 Secret Origin Unleash on defeatSuffixFlame Elementium x20Lv 60

Tin Staff Craft

0+(361–540) Max Mana1000
1+(288–360) Max Mana72227
2+(230–287) Max Mana60681
3+(180–230) Max Mana482774
4+(130–179) Max Mana3611608
5+(86–129) Max Mana2411608
6+(50–86) Max Mana1211608
7+(18–50) Max Mana111608
0+(181–270)% Mana Regeneration Speed1000
1+(144–180)% Mana Regeneration Speed72227
2+(116–143)% Mana Regeneration Speed60681
3+(90–115)% Mana Regeneration Speed482774
4+(65–89)% Mana Regeneration Speed3611608
5+(44–64)% Mana Regeneration Speed2411608
6+(26–43)% Mana Regeneration Speed1211608
7+(9–25)% Mana Regeneration Speed111608
0+(98–143)% Max Mana1000
1+(78–98)% Max Mana72227
2+(62–77)% Max Mana60681
3+(49–62)% Max Mana482774
4+(35–48)% Max Mana3611608
5+(23–35)% Max Mana2411608
6+(14–23)% Max Mana1211608
7+(5–13)% Max Mana111608
0+(91–135)% Minion Max Life1000
1+(68–90)% Minion Max Life83227
2+(53–68)% Minion Max Life78681
3+(41–53)% Minion Max Life702774
4+(34–41)% Minion Max Life6011608
5+(26–33)% Minion Max Life5011608
6+(23–26)% Minion Max Life3711608
0+(39–56)% Attack and Spell Block Chance10
0+(31–36)% Block Ratio10
0Blocks an additional (51–75) damage10
0+(25–36)% Energy Shield Charge Speed10
0Adds (201–229) - (272–310) Fire Damage to Spells1000
1Adds (134–153) - (182–207) Fire Damage to Spells72227
2Adds (102–117) - (139–159) Fire Damage to Spells60681
3Adds (79–90) - (107–122) Fire Damage to Spells482774
4Adds (60–69) - (82–94) Fire Damage to Spells3611608
5Adds (51–58) - (68–78) Fire Damage to Spells2411608
6Adds (25–35) - (45–58) Fire Damage to Spells1211608
7Adds (6–7) - (9–10) Fire Damage to Spells111608
0Adds (205–234) - (269–306) Cold Damage to Spells1000
1Adds (134–153) - (182–207) Cold Damage to Spells72227
2Adds (102–117) - (139–159) Cold Damage to Spells60681
3Adds (79–90) - (107–122) Cold Damage to Spells482774
4Adds (60–69) - (82–94) Cold Damage to Spells3611608
5Adds (51–58) - (68–78) Cold Damage to Spells2411608
6Adds (25–35) - (45–58) Cold Damage to Spells1211608
7Adds 8 - 9 Cold Damage to Spells111608
0Adds (23–27) - (451–513) Lightning Damage to Spells1000
1Adds (15–18) - (260–342) Lightning Damage to Spells72227
2Adds (11–13) - (201–263) Lightning Damage to Spells60681
3Adds (8–10) - (157–202) Lightning Damage to Spells482774
4Adds (7–8) - (116–155) Lightning Damage to Spells3611608
5Adds (5–6) - (93–129) Lightning Damage to Spells2411608
6Adds (4–5) - (65–98) Lightning Damage to Spells1211608
7Adds (1–2) - (15–18) Lightning Damage to Spells111608
0Adds (219–249) - (255–290) Erosion Damage to Spells1000
1Adds (146–166) - (169–193) Erosion Damage to Spells80227
2Adds (112–128) - (131–148) Erosion Damage to Spells72681
3Adds (86–98) - (101–114) Erosion Damage to Spells602774
4Adds (66–75) - (77–88) Erosion Damage to Spells4811608
5Adds (55–63) - (64–73) Erosion Damage to Spells3611608
6Adds (45–52) - (53–61) Erosion Damage to Spells2411608
7Adds (37–43) - (44–50) Erosion Damage to Spells1211608
0+(145–216)% Spell Damage1000
1+(111–144)% Spell Damage72227
2+(86–110)% Spell Damage60681
3+(66–85)% Spell Damage482774
4+(55–65)% Spell Damage3611608
5+(46–54)% Spell Damage2411608
6+(38–45)% Spell Damage1211608
7+(23–37)% Spell Damage111608
0+(181–270)% Minion Damage1000
1+(139–180)% Minion Damage72227
2+(107–138)% Minion Damage60681
3+(82–106)% Minion Damage482774
4+(69–81)% Minion Damage3611608
5+(57–68)% Minion Damage2411608
6+(48–56)% Minion Damage1211608
7+(30–47)% Minion Damage111608
0+(145–216)% Area Damage1000
1+(111–144)% Area Damage72227
2+(86–110)% Area Damage60681
3+(66–85)% Area Damage482774
4+(55–65)% Area Damage3611608
5+(46–54)% Area Damage2411608
6+(38–45)% Area Damage1211608
7+(23–37)% Area Damage111608
0+(193–288)% Fire Damage10
0+(193–288)% Cold Damage10
0+(193–288)% Lightning Damage10
0+(136–180) Intelligence1000
1+(105–135) Intelligence75227
2+(81–104) Intelligence60681
3+(61–80) Intelligence452774
4+(41–60) Intelligence3011608
5+(22–40) Intelligence1511608
6+(7–21) Intelligence111608
0+(10–14)% Intelligence1000
1+(8–9)% Intelligence83227
2+(5–7)% Intelligence78681
3+(3–5)% Intelligence702774
0+(136–180) Dexterity1000
1+(105–135) Dexterity75227
2+(81–104) Dexterity60681
3+(61–80) Dexterity452774
4+(41–60) Dexterity3011608
5+(22–40) Dexterity1511608
6+(7–21) Dexterity111608
0+(136–180) Strength1000
1+(105–135) Strength75227
2+(81–104) Strength60681
3+(61–80) Strength452774
4+(41–60) Strength3011608
5+(22–40) Strength1511608
6+(7–21) Strength111608
0Adds (14–18)% of Max Mana as Energy Shield1000
1Adds (10–14)% of Max Mana as Energy Shield83227
2Adds (8–9)% of Max Mana as Energy Shield75681
3Adds (5–7)% of Max Mana as Energy Shield602774
0+1% Spell Damage per 15 Mana currently owned1000
1+1% Spell Damage per 22 Mana currently owned83227
2+1% Spell Damage per 33 Mana currently owned78681
3+1% Spell Damage per 50 Mana currently owned702774
4+1% Spell Damage per 66 Mana currently owned6011608
0-1% Energy Shield Charge Interval for every 1% of Spell Block10
0Blocks additional damage equal to (4–5)% of Max Mana10
0-15% additional Cast Speed
+(70–90)% additional Spell Damage
1-15% additional Cast Speed
+(47–69)% additional Spell Damage
2-15% additional Cast Speed
+(35–46)% additional Spell Damage
3-15% additional Cast Speed
+(24–34)% additional Spell Damage
0+15% Skill Area per (4–5)% Mana currently owned10
0Gains (207–308)% of the skill's Fire Damage as Base Ignite Damage1000
1Gains (159–205)% of the skill's Fire Damage as Base Ignite Damage83227
2Gains (123–157)% of the skill's Fire Damage as Base Ignite Damage75681
3Gains (95–121)% of the skill's Fire Damage as Base Ignite Damage602774
4Gains (79–93)% of the skill's Fire Damage as Base Ignite Damage4511608
5Gains (65–77)% of the skill's Fire Damage as Base Ignite Damage3211608
6Gains (55–64)% of the skill's Fire Damage as Base Ignite Damage2011608
0+(22–32)% Armor DMG Mitigation Penetration1000
1+(17–21)% Armor DMG Mitigation Penetration83227
2+(14–17)% Armor DMG Mitigation Penetration72681
3+(11–13)% Armor DMG Mitigation Penetration602774
4+(9–10)% Armor DMG Mitigation Penetration4511608
0+6 Beams1000
1+4 Beams83227
2+2 Beams72681
0Adds (1000–1020) - (1180–1200) Fire Damage to Spells when having at least 1200 Strength1000
1Adds (800–820) - (980–1000) Fire Damage to Spells when having at least 1000 Strength82227
2Adds (600–620) - (780–800) Fire Damage to Spells when having at least 800 Strength75681
0Adds (10–50) - (1700–1900) Lightning Damage to Spells when having at least 1200 Dexterity1000
1Adds (10–50) - (1400–1600) Lightning Damage to Spells when having at least 1000 Dexterity82227
2Adds (10–50) - (1000–1400) Lightning Damage to Spells when having at least 800 Dexterity75681
0Adds (950–1000) - (1050–1100) Cold Damage to Spells when having at least 1200 Intelligence1000
1Adds (750–800) - (850–900) Cold Damage to Spells when having at least 1000 Intelligence82227
2Adds (550–600) - (650–700) Cold Damage to Spells when having at least 800 Intelligence75681
0+(31–45)% additional Max Mana10
0+(4–5) Spell Skill Level10
0Damage Penetrates (41–60)% Elemental Resistance10
0+(37–54)% additional Minion Damage if you have used a Summon Skill recently10
0Damage Penetrates (31–45)% Elemental Resistance1000
1Damage Penetrates (21–30)% Elemental Resistance78227
2Damage Penetrates (12–20)% Elemental Resistance60681
3Damage Penetrates (5–11)% Elemental Resistance302774
0+(5–6) Spell Skill Level1000
1+(3–4) Spell Skill Level85227
2+(1–2) Spell Skill Level78681
0(30–36)% additional damage applied to Life1000
1(17–24)% additional damage applied to Life78227
2(10–16)% additional damage applied to Life60681
3(3–9)% additional damage applied to Life302774
0+(161–240) Strength and Intelligence1000
0+(161–240) Dexterity and Intelligence1000
0+(49–72)% Minion Movement Speed, Attack Speed, and Cast Speed1000
1+(37–48)% Minion Movement Speed, Attack Speed, and Cast Speed72227
2+(29–36)% Minion Movement Speed, Attack Speed, and Cast Speed60681
3+(22–28)% Minion Movement Speed, Attack Speed, and Cast Speed452774
4+(19–21)% Minion Movement Speed, Attack Speed, and Cast Speed3011608
5+(16–18)% Minion Movement Speed, Attack Speed, and Cast Speed1511608
6+(13–15)% Minion Movement Speed, Attack Speed, and Cast Speed111608
0+(49–72)% Cast Speed1000
1+(34–48)% Cast Speed60227
2+(20–33)% Cast Speed30681
3+(7–19)% Cast Speed12774
0+(37–54)% Cooldown Recovery Speed1000
1+(26–36)% Cooldown Recovery Speed78227
2+(14–25)% Cooldown Recovery Speed60681
3+(5–14)% Cooldown Recovery Speed302774
0+(241–360)% Spell Critical Strike Rating1000
1+(185–240)% Spell Critical Strike Rating72227
2+(143–184)% Spell Critical Strike Rating60681
3+(110–142)% Spell Critical Strike Rating452774
4+(92–109)% Spell Critical Strike Rating3011608
5+(76–91)% Spell Critical Strike Rating1511608
6+(64–75)% Spell Critical Strike Rating111608
0+(121–180)% Spell Critical Strike Damage10
0+(31–45)% Focus Blessing Duration10
0+(106–158)% Barrier Shield10
0+(49–72)% Blur Effect10
0+(55–81)% curse effect1000
1+(41–54)% curse effect85227
2+(30–40)% curse effect72681
3+(18–29)% curse effect602774
4+(5–17)% curse effect5011608
0+(65–84)% Aura Effect10
0+(145–216)% Skill Area1000
1+(113–144)% Skill Area85227
2+(86–112)% Skill Area72681
3+(65–86)% Skill Area602774
4+(44–64)% Skill Area5011608
5+(23–43)% Skill Area4011608
6+(8–23)% Skill Area3011608
0+(121–180)% Spell Critical Strike Damage1000
1+(94–120)% Spell Critical Strike Damage85227
2+(72–93)% Spell Critical Strike Damage72681
3+(54–71)% Spell Critical Strike Damage602774
4+(36–53)% Spell Critical Strike Damage5011608
5+(20–35)% Spell Critical Strike Damage4011608
6+(6–19)% Spell Critical Strike Damage3011608
0Min Channeled Stacks +(5–6)1000
1Min Channeled Stacks +(3–4)78227
0+(338–450) Spell Critical Strike Rating1000
1+(222–332) Spell Critical Strike Rating83227
2+(171–221) Spell Critical Strike Rating78681
3+(131–170) Spell Critical Strike Rating702774
4+(101–131) Spell Critical Strike Rating6011608
5+(85–101) Spell Critical Strike Rating5011608
6+(71–84) Spell Critical Strike Rating3711608
0+(49–72)% chance for Minions to deal Double Damage10
0+1% Spell Critical Strike Rating for every 10 Max Mana1000
1+1% Spell Critical Strike Rating for every 15 Max Mana83227
2+1% Spell Critical Strike Rating for every 20 Max Mana72681
3+1% Spell Critical Strike Rating for every 30 Max Mana602774
0Reaps 2 s of DoT Damage when dealing DoT Damage. The effect has a 3 s cooldown against the same target1000
1Reaps 1.5 s of DoT Damage when dealing DoT Damage. The effect has a 4 s cooldown against the same target83227
2Reaps 1 s of DoT Damage when dealing DoT Damage. The effect has a 5 s cooldown against the same target72681
3Reaps 1 s of DoT Damage when dealing DoT Damage. The effect has a 6 s cooldown against the same target602774
4Reaps 0.5 s of DoT Damage when dealing DoT Damage. The effect has a 6 s cooldown against the same target4511608
0+(66–90)% additional damage for skills cast by Spell Burst1000
1+(47–65)% additional damage for skills cast by Spell Burst85227
2+(26–46)% additional damage for skills cast by Spell Burst72681
3+(9–26)% additional damage for skills cast by Spell Burst602774
0+(35–53)% additional Spirit Magus Enhanced Skill Damage and Ailment Damage dealt by Enhanced Skills1000
1+(27–34)% additional Spirit Magus Enhanced Skill Damage and Ailment Damage dealt by Enhanced Skills83227
2+(20–26)% additional Spirit Magus Enhanced Skill Damage and Ailment Damage dealt by Enhanced Skills72681
3+(16–19)% additional Spirit Magus Enhanced Skill Damage and Ailment Damage dealt by Enhanced Skills602774
4+(11–15)% additional Spirit Magus Enhanced Skill Damage and Ailment Damage dealt by Enhanced Skills4511608
0+(57–79)% additional Spirit Magus Ultimate Damage and Ailment Damage dealt by Ultimate.1000
1+(44–56)% additional Spirit Magus Ultimate Damage and Ailment Damage dealt by Ultimate.83227
2+(34–43)% additional Spirit Magus Ultimate Damage and Ailment Damage dealt by Ultimate.72681
3+(26–33)% additional Spirit Magus Ultimate Damage and Ailment Damage dealt by Ultimate.602774
4+(21–26)% additional Spirit Magus Ultimate Damage and Ailment Damage dealt by Ultimate.4511608
0Max Channeled Stacks +(5–6)1000
1Max Channeled Stacks +(3–4)78238
0Barrage Skills +45% damage increase per wave1000
1Barrage Skills +30% damage increase per wave83238
2Barrage Skills +23% damage increase per wave72769
0+(143–180)% additional damage against Frozen enemies1000
1+(105–143)% additional damage against Frozen enemies83238
2+(75–104)% additional damage against Frozen enemies72769
3+(57–74)% additional damage against Frozen enemies602703
4+(45–56)% additional damage against Frozen enemies454943
0Off The Beaten Track
(-20–-10)% additional Skill Cost
0Max Focus Blessing Stacks +310
0Max Synthetic Troop Minion Quantity +210
0+45% chance to gain a Barrier when Blocking10
0Max Focus Blessing Stacks +(2–3)
Max Tenacity Blessing Stacks +(2–3)
1Max Focus Blessing Stacks +(1–2)
Max Tenacity Blessing Stacks +(1–2)
0Off The Beaten Track
+(3–5) Support Skill Level
1Off The Beaten Track8376
0+(37–54)% chance to deal Double Damage1000
1+(26–36)% chance to deal Double Damage78227
2+(14–25)% chance to deal Double Damage60681
3+(5–14)% chance to deal Double Damage302774

Tin Staff Drop

0+(361–540) Max Mana1001
1+(288–360) Max Mana72171
2+(230–287) Max Mana601000
3+(180–230) Max Mana481000
4+(130–179) Max Mana361000
5+(86–129) Max Mana241000
6+(50–86) Max Mana121000
7+(18–50) Max Mana11000
0+(181–270)% Mana Regeneration Speed1001
1+(144–180)% Mana Regeneration Speed72171
2+(116–143)% Mana Regeneration Speed601000
3+(90–115)% Mana Regeneration Speed481000
4+(65–89)% Mana Regeneration Speed361000
5+(44–64)% Mana Regeneration Speed241000
6+(26–43)% Mana Regeneration Speed121000
7+(9–25)% Mana Regeneration Speed11000
0+(98–143)% Max Mana1001
1+(78–98)% Max Mana72171
2+(62–77)% Max Mana601000
3+(49–62)% Max Mana481000
4+(35–48)% Max Mana361000
5+(23–35)% Max Mana241000
6+(14–23)% Max Mana121000
7+(5–13)% Max Mana11000
0+(91–135)% Minion Max Life1001
1+(68–90)% Minion Max Life83171
2+(53–68)% Minion Max Life781000
3+(41–53)% Minion Max Life701000
4+(34–41)% Minion Max Life601000
5+(26–33)% Minion Max Life501000
6+(23–26)% Minion Max Life371000
0+(39–56)% Attack and Spell Block Chance10
0+(31–36)% Block Ratio10
0Blocks an additional (51–75) damage10
0+(25–36)% Energy Shield Charge Speed10
0Adds (201–229) - (272–310) Fire Damage to Spells1001
1Adds (134–153) - (182–207) Fire Damage to Spells72171
2Adds (102–117) - (139–159) Fire Damage to Spells601000
3Adds (79–90) - (107–122) Fire Damage to Spells481000
4Adds (60–69) - (82–94) Fire Damage to Spells361000
5Adds (51–58) - (68–78) Fire Damage to Spells241000
6Adds (25–35) - (45–58) Fire Damage to Spells121000
7Adds (6–7) - (9–10) Fire Damage to Spells11000
0Adds (205–234) - (269–306) Cold Damage to Spells1001
1Adds (134–153) - (182–207) Cold Damage to Spells72171
2Adds (102–117) - (139–159) Cold Damage to Spells601000
3Adds (79–90) - (107–122) Cold Damage to Spells481000
4Adds (60–69) - (82–94) Cold Damage to Spells361000
5Adds (51–58) - (68–78) Cold Damage to Spells241000
6Adds (25–35) - (45–58) Cold Damage to Spells121000
7Adds 8 - 9 Cold Damage to Spells11000
0Adds (23–27) - (451–513) Lightning Damage to Spells1001
1Adds (15–18) - (260–342) Lightning Damage to Spells72171
2Adds (11–13) - (201–263) Lightning Damage to Spells601000
3Adds (8–10) - (157–202) Lightning Damage to Spells481000
4Adds (7–8) - (116–155) Lightning Damage to Spells361000
5Adds (5–6) - (93–129) Lightning Damage to Spells241000
6Adds (4–5) - (65–98) Lightning Damage to Spells121000
7Adds (1–2) - (15–18) Lightning Damage to Spells11000
0Adds (219–249) - (255–290) Erosion Damage to Spells1001
1Adds (146–166) - (169–193) Erosion Damage to Spells80171
2Adds (112–128) - (131–148) Erosion Damage to Spells721000
3Adds (86–98) - (101–114) Erosion Damage to Spells601000
4Adds (66–75) - (77–88) Erosion Damage to Spells481000
5Adds (55–63) - (64–73) Erosion Damage to Spells361000
6Adds (45–52) - (53–61) Erosion Damage to Spells241000
7Adds (37–43) - (44–50) Erosion Damage to Spells121000
0+(145–216)% Spell Damage1001
1+(111–144)% Spell Damage72171
2+(86–110)% Spell Damage601000
3+(66–85)% Spell Damage481000
4+(55–65)% Spell Damage361000
5+(46–54)% Spell Damage241000
6+(38–45)% Spell Damage121000
7+(23–37)% Spell Damage11000
0+(181–270)% Minion Damage1001
1+(139–180)% Minion Damage72171
2+(107–138)% Minion Damage601000
3+(82–106)% Minion Damage481000
4+(69–81)% Minion Damage361000
5+(57–68)% Minion Damage241000
6+(48–56)% Minion Damage121000
7+(30–47)% Minion Damage11000
0+(145–216)% Area Damage1001
1+(111–144)% Area Damage72171
2+(86–110)% Area Damage601000
3+(66–85)% Area Damage481000
4+(55–65)% Area Damage361000
5+(46–54)% Area Damage241000
6+(38–45)% Area Damage121000
7+(23–37)% Area Damage11000
0+(193–288)% Fire Damage10
0+(193–288)% Cold Damage10
0+(193–288)% Lightning Damage10
0+(136–180) Intelligence1001
1+(105–135) Intelligence75171
2+(81–104) Intelligence603000
3+(61–80) Intelligence453000
4+(41–60) Intelligence303000
5+(22–40) Intelligence153000
6+(7–21) Intelligence13000
0+(10–14)% Intelligence1001
1+(8–9)% Intelligence83171
2+(5–7)% Intelligence781000
3+(3–5)% Intelligence701000
0+(136–180) Dexterity1001
1+(105–135) Dexterity75171
2+(81–104) Dexterity603000
3+(61–80) Dexterity453000
4+(41–60) Dexterity303000
5+(22–40) Dexterity153000
6+(7–21) Dexterity13000
0+(136–180) Strength1001
1+(105–135) Strength75171
2+(81–104) Strength603000
3+(61–80) Strength453000
4+(41–60) Strength303000
5+(22–40) Strength153000
6+(7–21) Strength13000
0Adds (14–18)% of Max Mana as Energy Shield1001
1Adds (10–14)% of Max Mana as Energy Shield83171
2Adds (8–9)% of Max Mana as Energy Shield751000
3Adds (5–7)% of Max Mana as Energy Shield601000
0+1% Spell Damage per 15 Mana currently owned1001
1+1% Spell Damage per 22 Mana currently owned83171
2+1% Spell Damage per 33 Mana currently owned781000
3+1% Spell Damage per 50 Mana currently owned701000
4+1% Spell Damage per 66 Mana currently owned601000
0-1% Energy Shield Charge Interval for every 1% of Spell Block10
0Blocks additional damage equal to (4–5)% of Max Mana10
0-15% additional Cast Speed
+(70–90)% additional Spell Damage
1-15% additional Cast Speed
+(47–69)% additional Spell Damage
2-15% additional Cast Speed
+(35–46)% additional Spell Damage
3-15% additional Cast Speed
+(24–34)% additional Spell Damage
0+15% Skill Area per (4–5)% Mana currently owned10
0Gains (207–308)% of the skill's Fire Damage as Base Ignite Damage1001
1Gains (159–205)% of the skill's Fire Damage as Base Ignite Damage83171
2Gains (123–157)% of the skill's Fire Damage as Base Ignite Damage751000
3Gains (95–121)% of the skill's Fire Damage as Base Ignite Damage601000
4Gains (79–93)% of the skill's Fire Damage as Base Ignite Damage451000
5Gains (65–77)% of the skill's Fire Damage as Base Ignite Damage321000
6Gains (55–64)% of the skill's Fire Damage as Base Ignite Damage201000
0+(22–32)% Armor DMG Mitigation Penetration1001
1+(17–21)% Armor DMG Mitigation Penetration83171
2+(14–17)% Armor DMG Mitigation Penetration721000
3+(11–13)% Armor DMG Mitigation Penetration601000
4+(9–10)% Armor DMG Mitigation Penetration451000
0+6 Beams1001
1+4 Beams83171
2+2 Beams721000
0Adds (1000–1020) - (1180–1200) Fire Damage to Spells when having at least 1200 Strength1001
1Adds (800–820) - (980–1000) Fire Damage to Spells when having at least 1000 Strength82171
2Adds (600–620) - (780–800) Fire Damage to Spells when having at least 800 Strength751000
0Adds (10–50) - (1700–1900) Lightning Damage to Spells when having at least 1200 Dexterity1001
1Adds (10–50) - (1400–1600) Lightning Damage to Spells when having at least 1000 Dexterity82171
2Adds (10–50) - (1000–1400) Lightning Damage to Spells when having at least 800 Dexterity751000
0Adds (950–1000) - (1050–1100) Cold Damage to Spells when having at least 1200 Intelligence1001
1Adds (750–800) - (850–900) Cold Damage to Spells when having at least 1000 Intelligence82171
2Adds (550–600) - (650–700) Cold Damage to Spells when having at least 800 Intelligence751000
0+(31–45)% additional Max Mana10
0+(4–5) Spell Skill Level10
0Damage Penetrates (41–60)% Elemental Resistance10
0+(37–54)% additional Minion Damage if you have used a Summon Skill recently10
0Damage Penetrates (31–45)% Elemental Resistance1001
1Damage Penetrates (21–30)% Elemental Resistance78171
2Damage Penetrates (12–20)% Elemental Resistance601000
3Damage Penetrates (5–11)% Elemental Resistance301000
0+(5–6) Spell Skill Level1001
1+(3–4) Spell Skill Level85171
2+(1–2) Spell Skill Level781000
0(30–36)% additional damage applied to Life1001
1(17–24)% additional damage applied to Life78171
2(10–16)% additional damage applied to Life601000
3(3–9)% additional damage applied to Life301000
0+(161–240) Strength and Intelligence10
0+(161–240) Dexterity and Intelligence10
0+(49–72)% Minion Movement Speed, Attack Speed, and Cast Speed1001
1+(37–48)% Minion Movement Speed, Attack Speed, and Cast Speed72171
2+(29–36)% Minion Movement Speed, Attack Speed, and Cast Speed601000
3+(22–28)% Minion Movement Speed, Attack Speed, and Cast Speed451000
4+(19–21)% Minion Movement Speed, Attack Speed, and Cast Speed301000
5+(16–18)% Minion Movement Speed, Attack Speed, and Cast Speed151000
6+(13–15)% Minion Movement Speed, Attack Speed, and Cast Speed11000
0+(49–72)% Cast Speed1001
1+(34–48)% Cast Speed60171
2+(20–33)% Cast Speed301000
3+(7–19)% Cast Speed11000
0+(37–54)% Cooldown Recovery Speed1001
1+(26–36)% Cooldown Recovery Speed78171
2+(14–25)% Cooldown Recovery Speed601000
3+(5–14)% Cooldown Recovery Speed301000
0+(241–360)% Spell Critical Strike Rating1001
1+(185–240)% Spell Critical Strike Rating72171
2+(143–184)% Spell Critical Strike Rating601000
3+(110–142)% Spell Critical Strike Rating451000
4+(92–109)% Spell Critical Strike Rating301000
5+(76–91)% Spell Critical Strike Rating151000
6+(64–75)% Spell Critical Strike Rating11000
0+(121–180)% Spell Critical Strike Damage10
0+(31–45)% Focus Blessing Duration10
0+(106–158)% Barrier Shield10
0+(49–72)% Blur Effect10
0+(55–81)% curse effect1001
1+(41–54)% curse effect85171
2+(30–40)% curse effect721000
3+(18–29)% curse effect601000
4+(5–17)% curse effect501000
0+(65–84)% Aura Effect10
0+(145–216)% Skill Area1001
1+(113–144)% Skill Area85171
2+(86–112)% Skill Area721000
3+(65–86)% Skill Area601000
4+(44–64)% Skill Area501000
5+(23–43)% Skill Area401000
6+(8–23)% Skill Area301000
0+(121–180)% Spell Critical Strike Damage1001
1+(94–120)% Spell Critical Strike Damage85171
2+(72–93)% Spell Critical Strike Damage721000
3+(54–71)% Spell Critical Strike Damage601000
4+(36–53)% Spell Critical Strike Damage501000
5+(20–35)% Spell Critical Strike Damage401000
6+(6–19)% Spell Critical Strike Damage301000
0Min Channeled Stacks +(5–6)1001
1Min Channeled Stacks +(3–4)78171
0+(338–450) Spell Critical Strike Rating1001
1+(222–332) Spell Critical Strike Rating83171
2+(171–221) Spell Critical Strike Rating781000
3+(131–170) Spell Critical Strike Rating701000
4+(101–131) Spell Critical Strike Rating601000
5+(85–101) Spell Critical Strike Rating501000
6+(71–84) Spell Critical Strike Rating371000
0+(49–72)% chance for Minions to deal Double Damage10
0+1% Spell Critical Strike Rating for every 10 Max Mana1001
1+1% Spell Critical Strike Rating for every 15 Max Mana83171
2+1% Spell Critical Strike Rating for every 20 Max Mana721000
3+1% Spell Critical Strike Rating for every 30 Max Mana601000
0Max Terra Quantity +310
0Reaps 2 s of DoT Damage when dealing DoT Damage. The effect has a 3 s cooldown against the same target1001
1Reaps 1.5 s of DoT Damage when dealing DoT Damage. The effect has a 4 s cooldown against the same target83171
2Reaps 1 s of DoT Damage when dealing DoT Damage. The effect has a 5 s cooldown against the same target721000
3Reaps 1 s of DoT Damage when dealing DoT Damage. The effect has a 6 s cooldown against the same target601000
4Reaps 0.5 s of DoT Damage when dealing DoT Damage. The effect has a 6 s cooldown against the same target451000
0+(66–90)% additional damage for skills cast by Spell Burst1001
1+(47–65)% additional damage for skills cast by Spell Burst85171
2+(26–46)% additional damage for skills cast by Spell Burst721000
3+(9–26)% additional damage for skills cast by Spell Burst601000
0+(35–53)% additional Spirit Magus Enhanced Skill Damage and Ailment Damage dealt by Enhanced Skills1001
1+(27–34)% additional Spirit Magus Enhanced Skill Damage and Ailment Damage dealt by Enhanced Skills83171
2+(20–26)% additional Spirit Magus Enhanced Skill Damage and Ailment Damage dealt by Enhanced Skills721000
3+(16–19)% additional Spirit Magus Enhanced Skill Damage and Ailment Damage dealt by Enhanced Skills601000
4+(11–15)% additional Spirit Magus Enhanced Skill Damage and Ailment Damage dealt by Enhanced Skills451000
0+(57–79)% additional Spirit Magus Ultimate Damage and Ailment Damage dealt by Ultimate.1001
1+(44–56)% additional Spirit Magus Ultimate Damage and Ailment Damage dealt by Ultimate.83171
2+(34–43)% additional Spirit Magus Ultimate Damage and Ailment Damage dealt by Ultimate.721000
3+(26–33)% additional Spirit Magus Ultimate Damage and Ailment Damage dealt by Ultimate.601000
4+(21–26)% additional Spirit Magus Ultimate Damage and Ailment Damage dealt by Ultimate.451000
0Max Channeled Stacks +(5–6)1001
1Max Channeled Stacks +(3–4)78171
0Barrage Skills +45% damage increase per wave1001
1Barrage Skills +30% damage increase per wave83171
2Barrage Skills +23% damage increase per wave721000
0+(143–180)% additional damage against Frozen enemies1001
1+(105–143)% additional damage against Frozen enemies83171
2+(75–104)% additional damage against Frozen enemies721000
3+(57–74)% additional damage against Frozen enemies601000
4+(45–56)% additional damage against Frozen enemies451000
0Off The Beaten Track
(-20–-10)% additional Skill Cost
0Max Focus Blessing Stacks +310
0Max Synthetic Troop Minion Quantity +210
0+45% chance to gain a Barrier when Blocking10
0Max Focus Blessing Stacks +(2–3)
Max Tenacity Blessing Stacks +(2–3)
1Max Focus Blessing Stacks +(1–2)
Max Tenacity Blessing Stacks +(1–2)
0Off The Beaten Track
+(3–5) Support Skill Level
1Off The Beaten Track83171
0+(37–54)% chance to deal Double Damage1001
1+(26–36)% chance to deal Double Damage78171
2+(14–25)% chance to deal Double Damage601000
3+(5–14)% chance to deal Double Damage301000

Tin Staff Dream Talking Interpretation

0+(100–105)% Spell Damage11
1+(88–92)% Spell Damage13
2+(75–80)% Spell Damage18
0+(80–90)% Spell Critical Strike Rating
+(43–50)% Spell Critical Strike Damage
1+(71–76)% Spell Critical Strike Rating
+(33–38)% Spell Critical Strike Damage
2+(60–67)% Spell Critical Strike Rating
+(23–28)% Spell Critical Strike Damage
0+(61–90)% Minion Damage11
1+(47–60)% Minion Damage13
2+(36–46)% Minion Damage18
0+(41–50)% Minion Critical Strike Rating
+(41–50)% Minion Critical Strike Damage
1+(31–40)% Minion Critical Strike Rating
+(31–40)% Minion Critical Strike Damage
2+(21–30)% Minion Critical Strike Rating
+(21–30)% Minion Critical Strike Damage
0+(13–16)% Cast Speed11
1+(10–12)% Cast Speed13
2+(8–9)% Cast Speed18
0+3 Spell Skill Level11
1+2 Spell Skill Level13
2+1 Spell Skill Level18
0+(41–45)% Aura Effect11
1+(36–40)% Aura Effect13
2+(25–35)% Aura Effect18
0+(31–36)% curse effect11
1+(21–30)% curse effect13
2+(15–20)% curse effect18
0+(151–200)% Spell Damage
-10% additional Max Mana and Max Energy Shield
0+(20–24)% additional Cast Speed
(-60–-50)% Spell Critical Strike Rating
1+(16–20)% additional Cast Speed
(-80–-70)% Spell Critical Strike Rating
2+(12–16)% additional Cast Speed
(-40–-20)% Spell Critical Strike Rating
0Triggers Lv. (21–30) Lightning Storm when casting a Spell Skill. Cooldown: 0.5 s11
1Triggers Lv. (11–20) Lightning Storm when casting a Spell Skill. Cooldown: 1 s13
2Triggers Lv. (1–10) Lightning Storm when casting a Spell Skill. Cooldown: 1.5 s18
0Triggers Lv. (21–30) Scorching Pulse when casting a Spell Skill. Cooldown: 0.5 s11
1Triggers Lv. (11–20) Scorching Pulse when casting a Spell Skill. Cooldown: 1 s13
2Triggers Lv. (1–10) Scorching Pulse when casting a Spell Skill. Cooldown: 1.5 s18
0Triggers Lv. (21–30) Black Hole when casting a Spell Skill. Cooldown: 0.5 s11
1Triggers Lv. (11–20) Black Hole when casting a Spell Skill. Cooldown: 1 s13
2Triggers Lv. (1–10) Black Hole when casting a Spell Skill. Cooldown: 1.5 s18
0Triggers Lv. (21–30) Blizzard when casting a Spell Skill. Cooldown: 0.5 s11
1Triggers Lv. (11–20) Blizzard when casting a Spell Skill. Cooldown: 1 s13
2Triggers Lv. (1–10) Blizzard when casting a Spell Skill. Cooldown: 1.5 s18
Gear Empowerment /10
type1 level Energy Refine
11 – 440 – 0Energy Core x1
145 – 492 – 18Energy Core x1
150 – 542 – 24Energy Core x1
155 – 592 – 30Energy Core x1
160 – 642 – 36Energy Core x4
165 – 692 – 42Energy Core x4
170 – 742 – 68Energy Core x8
175 – 792 – 96Energy Core x12
180 – 842 – 122Energy Core x16
185 – 1002 – 122Energy Core x20
Dream Talking /7
After Dream Interpretation, select 1 Sweet Dream and 1 Nightmare, and replace the base affix. Shallow Dream Interpretation does not cost Readability. Gear that has undergone Dream Interpretation cannot be used for crafting.
Deep Dream Interpretation costs Readability and cannot be performed when Readability is 0. If the Dream Talking of a piece of Legendary gear is additionally selected, specified Sweet Dream affixes are guaranteed to appear in the options.
Change will re-randomize all values of Sweet Dreams and Nightmares.
Rewinding will restore a piece of gear to its original state before Dream Interpretation. However, Rewinding will not restore Readability.
type name
Shallow Dream
Item level: 82 - 100
Shallow Dream
Item level: 1 - 58
Shallow Dream
Item level: 59 - 81
Deep Dream
Item level: 1 - 100
  • Dream Talking: Iron Earthshaker
  • Dream Talking: Jumble Ice
  • Dream Talking: Shadow of Thunderlight's Eyes
  • Dream Talking: Elemental Sigh
  • Dream Talking: Sage's Disciple
  • Dream Talking: Flying Bird
  • Rewind
    Item level: 1 - 58
    Item level: 59 - 81
    Item level: 82 - 100