When the Affliction inflicted per second is not 0, the DoT Damage dealt will continuously inflicts Affliction on the target
Enemies take 1% additional DoT Damage for every Affliction
The max Affliction is 100
Enemies take 1% additional DoT Damage for every Affliction
The max Affliction is 100
Talent /7

Medium TalentWarlord
+15% +15% Minion Affliction Effect
+8 Affliction inflicted per second by Minions

Legendary Medium TalentPsychic
+6 -10% All Resistance when the enemy has max

Medium TalentNew God
0.2% Reaping Duration for every point of
Legendary Gear /1
Mother Goddess' Paddock
Require lv 58
Require lv 58
+(30–40)% Defense
Max Terra Quantity bonus is set to 0
When consuming Terra Charge while it is not at max stacks, for every 1 Terra Charge consumed, +(10–15)% additional Affliction Effect.
(50–100)% chance to gain 1 charge stacks when using a Terra Skill
Reaps 1.5 s of DoT Damage from Nearby enemies 1 s after consuming max stacks of Terra Charge. Cooldown: 3 s
+10 Affliction Per Second
+30% additional Affliction Effect
+30% additional Affliction Effect