Archmage's Hands

+103 gear Energy Shield

+(272–340) gear Energy Shield
+(27–54)% Cold Resistance
(15–20)% of damage is taken from Mana before life
+(80–100)% additional Max Mana
The skill cost is fixed at (1–50)
+1% additional Spell Damage for every (75–100) Max Mana owned, up to 100%

The archmage had headed to the Arctic Land in the north, and his name is already lost in time.
+(408–476) gear Energy Shield
+(60–81)% Cold Resistance
(25–30)% of damage is taken from Mana before life
+(105–125)% additional Max Mana
The skill cost is fixed at (1–50)
1.5% additional Spell Damage for every (75–100) Max Mana owned, up to 150%
  • Base: Imperishable Touch
  • id: 112341
  • drop level: 58