Blind Vision

+1920 gear Evasion
+(187–242) Max Life
The Main Skill is supported by Lv. 20 Wind Projectiles .
60% of the Projectile Speed bonus is also applied to Projectile Damage
Immune to Blinding
A blind disciplinant once walked through the volley of arrows unscared.

+1920 gear Evasion
+(187–242) Max Life
The Main Skill is supported by Lv. 20 Wind Projectiles .
60% of the Projectile Speed bonus is also applied to Projectile Damage
Immune to Blinding
A blind disciplinant once walked through the volley of arrows unscared.
+(396–440) Max Life
The Main Skill is supported by Lv. 30 Wind Projectiles .
90% of the Projectile Speed bonus is also applied to Projectile Damage
+20% chance to cause Blinding on hit