Clenched Spring

+1920 Gear Armor
+(198–220) Max Life
Adds (1–2) - (3–4) Physical Damage to Attacks and Spells per (3400–3500) Armor
+20% additional Armor
The fist opens again, and the sand underfoot slips back into my fingers. As the hour hand overtakes the minute hand, the clock winds backward.

+1920 Gear Armor
+(198–220) Max Life
Adds (1–2) - (3–4) Physical Damage to Attacks and Spells per (3400–3500) Armor
+20% additional Armor
The fist opens again, and the sand underfoot slips back into my fingers. As the hour hand overtakes the minute hand, the clock winds backward.
+(220–264) Max Life
Adds (2–3) - (5–6) Physical Damage to Attacks and Spells per (3200–3300) Armor
+26% additional Armor
Drop Source