Fire Lord's Promise

500 Critical Strike Rating
1.2 Attack Speed
1.2 Attack Speed
Adds 12 - 12 Cold Damage to Spells
+(60–80)% Spell Damage
+17% Cast Speed
(-20–-10)% Skill Effect Duration
+1 Max Restoration Skill Charges
+60% Critical Strike Rating if you have cast a Restoration Skill recently.
+30% Critical Strike Damage while the Restoration Skill lasts
Everyone dreams to get everything, but everyone worries that the gift may not be fulfilled.

500 Critical Strike Rating
1.2 Attack Speed
1.2 Attack Speed
Adds 12 - 12 Cold Damage to Spells
+(60–80)% Spell Damage
+17% Cast Speed
(-20–-10)% Skill Effect Duration
+1 Max Restoration Skill Charges
+60% Critical Strike Rating if you have cast a Restoration Skill recently.
+30% Critical Strike Damage while the Restoration Skill lasts
Everyone dreams to get everything, but everyone worries that the gift may not be fulfilled.
+(100–120)% Spell Damage
+30% Cast Speed
+(10–20)% Skill Effect Duration
+(1–2) Max Restoration Skill Charges
+120% Critical Strike Rating if you have cast a Restoration Skill recently.
+60% Critical Strike Damage while the Restoration Skill lasts