Forlorn Crystal

+5 Strength

+(2016–2880) Armor
+3% additional damage per 20000 Armor
+(10–15)% Elemental and Erosion Resistance when Armor is no lower than 100000
-15% Armor Effective Rate for Non-Physical Damage

After the flood has receded, only the wasteland remains.
Yet I am looking for hope on the wasteland.
+5 Strength

+(2016–2880) Armor
+3% additional damage per 20000 Armor
+(10–15)% Elemental and Erosion Resistance when Armor is no lower than 100000
-15% Armor Effective Rate for Non-Physical Damage

After the flood has receded, only the wasteland remains.
Yet I am looking for hope on the wasteland.
+(2621–3744) Armor
+3% additional damage per 12000 Armor
+(16–20)% Elemental and Erosion Resistance when Armor is no lower than 80000
-10% Armor Effective Rate for Non-Physical Damage
  • Base: Cataclysm Amulet
  • id: 113202
  • drop level: 58

  • Tip