Machine Lord

+1920 gear Evasion

+(10–20)% Elemental Resistance
The number of Max Synthetic Troops In Map is fixed at 2
+(20–30)% Physique for Minions
Adds (120–160)% of Physical Damage as Fire, Cold, and Lightning Damage to Synthetic Troop Minions
Eliminates enemies under (12–18)% Life when a Synthetic Troop Minion deals damage

Machines to you are as precious as newly grown leaves.
+(21–25)% Elemental Resistance
The number of Max Synthetic Troops In Map is fixed at (2–3)
+(30–40)% Physique for Minions
Adds (160–200)% of Physical Damage as Fire, Cold, and Lightning Damage to Synthetic Troop Minions
Eliminates enemies under (18–22)% Life when a Synthetic Troop Minion deals damage
  • Base: Secret Shadow's Mask
  • id: 112205
  • drop level: 58