
+5 Intelligence

+(209–220) Max Life
+(10–12)% Attack and Cast Speed
+16% Projectile Speed
+10% Movement Speed
+(14–18) all stats

He still keeps the necklace that he failed to send out. Everyone knows who it should have gone to, except the one who was supposed to receive it.
+5 Intelligence

+(209–220) Max Life
+(10–12)% Attack and Cast Speed
+16% Projectile Speed
+10% Movement Speed
+(14–18) all stats

He still keeps the necklace that he failed to send out. Everyone knows who it should have gone to, except the one who was supposed to receive it.
+(309–320) Max Life
+(19–22)% Attack and Cast Speed
+24% Projectile Speed
+30% Movement Speed
+(33–35) all stats
  • Base: Shaman's Necklace
  • id: 113217
  • drop level: 22

  • Tip