Removes a certain value of Life from the target. The value is equal to the damage of all DoT Damage within a certain time
Talent /5

Medium TalentGoddess of Deception

Legendary Gear /4
Twilight Vestment
Require lv 58
Require lv 58
+(238–272) gear Energy Shield
+1 Active Skill Level
When Reaping , Energy Shield starts charging immediately
(-36–12)% Energy Shield Charge Speed
+(8–12)% Reaping Duration
+(3–5)% Elemental Resistance
Aeterna Martyr
Require lv 58
Require lv 58
+50% chance to inflict Trauma
+(75–85) Attack and Spell Critical Strike Rating
(-20–-15)% additional Physical Damage taken
+(94–100)% Reaping Cooldown Recovery Speed
+(18–20)% additional Trauma Damage for each Critical Strike dealt recently. Stacks up to 3 time(s) (multiplies)
King's Boon
Require lv 58
Reaps 0.25 s of DoT Damage when dealing DoT Damage. The effect has a (1.5–3) s cooldown against the same targetMore With Less
Require lv 58
+(170–238) gear Energy Shield
+(16–22)% Cold Resistance
+(10–30)% additional DoT Damage taken
+(10–30)% Movement Speed
Feline Steps
Require lv 58
Require lv 58
+(2000–2100) gear Evasion
+(25–30)% Movement Speed
Gains 1 stacks of Agility Blessing when Reaping
+(13–15)% Reaping Cooldown Recovery Speed per stack of Agility Blessing owned
Gains 1 stack(s) of Deflection when Reaping . Interval 0.5 s
Max Agility Blessing Stacks: (6–10)