King's Boon

+86 gear Energy Shield

+(170–238) gear Energy Shield
+(16–22)% Cold Resistance
Reaps 0.25 s of DoT Damage when dealing DoT Damage. The effect has a (1.5–3) s cooldown against the same target
+(10–30)% additional DoT Damage taken
+(10–30)% Movement Speed
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"I hereby bestow upon you the supreme strength in the King's name!"
+86 gear Energy Shield

+(170–238) gear Energy Shield
+(16–22)% Cold Resistance
Reaps 0.25 s of DoT Damage when dealing DoT Damage. The effect has a (1.5–3) s cooldown against the same target
+(10–30)% additional DoT Damage taken
+(10–30)% Movement Speed
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"I hereby bestow upon you the supreme strength in the King's name!"
+(340–408) gear Energy Shield
+(30–35)% Cold Resistance
Reaps 0.25 s of DoT Damage when dealing DoT Damage. The effect has a (1–2) s cooldown against the same target
(-10–10)% additional DoT Damage taken
+(20–40)% Movement Speed
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+10% Skill Effect Duration
  • Base: Elder Sage's Treads
  • id: 112415
  • drop level: 58

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