Webbed Arcane Headscarf

+146 gear Energy Shield

+(24–26)% Max Life
+(27–29)% Max Energy Shield
Gains Barrier while standing still. Interval: 0.5 s.
When the Energy Shield is lower than (4000–5000) , Barrier breaks after blocking Hit Damage (1–5) times
When Max Life is higher than (3000–5000) , creates a Barrier that aborbs (60–65)% damage

His confidence is like a spider's web, and he is seeking the best chance in waiting and guarding.
+146 gear Energy Shield

+(24–26)% Max Life
+(27–29)% Max Energy Shield
Gains Barrier while standing still. Interval: 0.5 s.
When the Energy Shield is lower than (4000–5000) , Barrier breaks after blocking Hit Damage (1–5) times
When Max Life is higher than (3000–5000) , creates a Barrier that aborbs (60–65)% damage

His confidence is like a spider's web, and he is seeking the best chance in waiting and guarding.
+(34–35)% Max Life
+(38–40)% Max Energy Shield
Gains Barrier while standing still. Interval: 0.3 s.
When the Energy Shield is lower than (2000–4000) , Barrier breaks after blocking Hit Damage (2–6) times
When Max Life is higher than (3000–5000) , creates a Barrier that aborbs (66–75)% damage
  • Base: Long Night Sorcerer's Mask
  • id: 112211
  • drop level: 58

  • Tip