Pretemporada SS3 /1
Modo de juego fluido
Una vez que el cazador entra en la fase, cada vez que se mueve una cierta distancia, automáticamente libera su habilidad principal. Al aumentar la velocidad de movimiento, también se incrementa el daño de la habilidad principal.
No solo hay múltiples cofres en cada mapa, sino también dos jefes del Inframundo que te están vigilando.

Crecimiento acelerado
Durante la pretemporada, debido al gran aumento en la cantidad de jefes y cofres en las fases, la cantidad total de botín se incrementará al 300% de lo anterior, ayudando a todos los cazadores a mejorar en un período más corto. Además, hay tres piezas de equipamiento legendario de botín exclusivo esperando a que los cazadores los exploren.

Antecedentes de la temporada
Cuando el fuego primordial brillaba, los dioses caminaban entre todas las criaturas vivientes, trayendo prosperidad y fe al mundo. Con la extinción del fuego primordial, los dioses se alejaron del mundo y la tierra se llenó de Cúmulo de ceniza. Ahora, la Diosa de la caza ha regresado desde las estrellas, recorriendo de nuevo la vasta tierra cubierta por la malévola luz de las estrellas. Los guerreros también deben seguir los pasos de los dioses, cazar la Estrella de la calamidad que cae del cielo, y eliminar las sombras demoníacas que crecen en exceso. Ofrece a los dioses la caza que simboliza el coraje y recibe la recompensa de la gloria suprema.
Convenio Alma /1
Base de Batalla No. 32
Botín Leyenda
Aumenta la cantidad de botines


Automatically Casting

Upon entering a stage, the Hunter will automatically release their Main Skill after moving a certain distance. Additionally, when the Hunter increases their Movement Speed, the Damage of their Main Skill will also be enhanced.

More Boxing

Mystery Treasures are scattered all around and Hunters can find multiple treasure chests in each map to enrich their hunting experience.

surely no one opens three equipment boxes in a row, do they?

2 More Bosses

Hey folks, guess what I ran into a nether realm boss fight and there are multiple of them!

Under the wicked Starlight Hunters have the opportunity to battle the star of Calamity monsters from the Realms in any map.

In each map there will be two nether realm bosses eyeing you menacingly.

Netherrealm bosses are everywhere, and you can fight them, but Victory Is Not Guaranteed.

Proof of Star Hunter

Attention, this Hunter named Xiao May has obtained a piece of equipment that no one has ever seen before.

During the pre-season monsters have a chance to drop the proof of star hunter, offer it to the goddess of hunting and the gates of Hunter Woods will open for all Hunters.

In the forest garden not only are there numerous legendary gears legendary Divinity slates legendary hero relics and memories on display, but also three ultimate legendary gears that are exclusive drops from the preseason.

I suggest selling it to me for just one Fe.

Brand-new Limited Edition Legendary Gear

The preseason introduces brand new Ultimate Legendary Gear, all of which are exclusive drops limited to the preseason.

Hurry up and win these rare legendary gear!

If I were to wear a double rainbow have an Exquisite box hanging around my neck, and wield the chaos Abyss in my hand, how would you defeat me?

rebirth watch me dominate preseason with explosive bombing!

It's getting intense I saw the double rainbow turn into a six rainbow.

I really like a quote from torch light Hunter "how many Stacks?"

Season Development

hurry hurry hurry I know you're in a rush!

During the preseason, the total number of item drops will increase to 300% of the previous amount.

Due to the higher number of bosses and treasure chests within the stage.

This will help all Hunters achieve progress in a shorter period of time.

I came to the pre-season to do only three things fast farming fast farming and more damn fast farming.

Seasonal Rewards

golden season pass giveaway.

Purchase the preseason golden season pass and level it up to the specified level to get the ss3 season golden season pass for free.

Receive a gifted golden season pass that can be used after the start of ss3 season, and claim benefits ahead of others!

Jonah Chamber of Commerce Grand sale.

During the pre-season, enjoy a 50% discount on the premium booth pages in the trade housee.

Empower every precious item to circulate into the hands of the hunters who need the most, and let every bit of flame elementum income find its way into the resourceful Hunter's pocket.

After the preseason ends, the data will not be merged into the permanent server, but the account level rewards in the season pass will be distributed via mail.

Equip the treasures you've carefully collected throughout the entire season and fully enjoy the end of season Carnival.