Blade-dancer's Steps

+1920 gear Evasion

+(1–2) Mobility Skill Level
+(30–40)% Movement Speed if you have used a Mobility Skill recently
+(20–30)% additional damage for Mobility Skills
When using a Mobility Skill, you can use 1 stack(s) of Agility Blessing to reset the Mobility Skill's cooldown. Interval: 0.6 s

Like love on the edge of despair.
+1920 gear Evasion

+(1–2) Mobility Skill Level
+(30–40)% Movement Speed if you have used a Mobility Skill recently
+(20–30)% additional damage for Mobility Skills
When using a Mobility Skill, you can use 1 stack(s) of Agility Blessing to reset the Mobility Skill's cooldown. Interval: 0.6 s

Like love on the edge of despair.
+(2–3) Mobility Skill Level
+(41–50)% Movement Speed if you have used a Mobility Skill recently
+(35–45)% additional damage for Mobility Skills
When using a Mobility Skill, you can use 1 stacks of Agility Blessing to reset the Mobility Skill's cooldown. Interval: 0.3s.
  • Base: Secret Shadow's Shoes
  • id: 112414
  • drop level: 58

  • Tip