Compensatory Life

+10 Max Life

+(10–15)% Max Life and Max Mana
+(70–90)% Mana Regeneration Speed
+(2–6)% Spell Damage for every 100 Mana consumed recently, up to 300%
+2% Mana Regeneration Speed for every 100 Mana consumed recently, up to 200%
You have a Lv. (25–30) Elemental Amplification when not at Low Life

Bring back the abundant old days at the cost of the offspring's life.
+10 Max Life

+(10–15)% Max Life and Max Mana
+(70–90)% Mana Regeneration Speed
+(2–6)% Spell Damage for every 100 Mana consumed recently, up to 300%
+1% Mana Regeneration Speed for every 100 Mana consumed recently, up to 200%
You have a Lv. 20 Elemental Amplification when not at Low Life

Bring back the abundant old days at the cost of the offspring's life.
+(20–25)% Max Life and Max Mana
+(110–130)% Mana Regeneration Speed
+(5–10)% Spell Damage for every 100 Mana consumed recently, up to 640%
+2% Mana Regeneration Speed for every 100 Mana consumed recently, up to 250%
You have a Lv. (35–40) Elemental Amplification when not at Low Life
  • Base: Rock Waistguard
  • id: 113313
  • drop level: 58

  • Tip