Electric Cat Evolution

Electric Cat Evolution
Hero Trait:Lightning Shadow

  • When the times of Shock Damage settled on Erika are equal to 10 times the sum of unlocked engram sequence numbers, triggers Feline Figure immediately. Cooldown: (0.4–0.6)s. The triggered Feline Figure has an additional effect:
    +40% Area. Feline Figure restores Life and Energy Shield equal to the smallest unlocked engram sequence number x(0.2–0.4)% to Erika each additional time it settles Shock Damage.

When you finally catch that butterfly, come and find me. We can talk about how dated Ember Tech is and the foundation of revival for the Cats…
  • Base: Butter Kitten Perpetual Motion Machine
  • id: 2118
  • drop level: 73

  • Tip