Fool's Crown

+1920 Gear Armor

+(4176–4464) Gear Armor
-99% additional Intelligence
Adds (92–108) - (122–138) Physical Damage to the Main-Hand Weapon
+(60–90) Strength
+(2–4)% Fire Resistance

Look at that man!
Everyone laughs at him, but he is still the king of the world.
+1920 Gear Armor

+(4176–4464) Gear Armor
-99% additional Intelligence
Adds (92–108) - (122–138) Physical Damage to the Main-Hand Weapon
+(60–90) Strength
+(2–4)% Fire Resistance

Look at that man!
Everyone laughs at him, but he is still the king of the world.
+(7056–7344) Gear Armor
-50% additional Intelligence
Adds (152–161) - (201–208) Physical Damage to the Main-Hand Weapon
+(120–150) Strength
+(4–6)% Fire Resistance
  • Base: Ranger's Broken Mask
  • id: 112228
  • drop level: 82

  • Tip