Icebound Beam: Ring Blade (Noble)

Mana Cost Multiplier
Supports Icebound Beam.
This skill can only be installed in the fifth Support Skill Slot of each Active Skill.
+20% additional damage for the supported skill
被辅助技能射线击中冰封的敌人时,立即发射 1 次投射物,对每个敌人有 1 秒冷却
Projectile Quantity of the supported skill +1
被辅助技能引导层数到达上限时,在该技能射线击中的敌人位置释放环形发射冰凌投射物,冰凌投射物永久穿透\n被辅助技能射线击中冰封的敌人时,立即发射 1 次投射物,对每个敌人有 1 秒冷却
Projectile Quantity of the supported skill +1
+(20–21)% additional damage for the supported skill
Progression /3
Tier name
  • +(16–18)% additional damage for the supported skill
  • 1
  • +(20–21)% additional damage for the supported skill
  • 0
  • +(23–27)% additional damage for the supported skill