Interlocking Soul

54 - 86 Physical Damage
1.3 Attack Speed
500 Critical Strike Rating
+(28–35)% Minion Damage

+(16–20) Strength and Intelligence
+(40–60)% Minion Damage
+(20–30)% Minion Max Life
+(20–30)% Minion Duration
Consumes 5% of Max Life when you use Summon Skills
3% Minion Life Regeneration per second

A soul divided, a belief reunited.
+(24–30) Strength and Intelligence
+(60–90)% Minion Damage
+(35–45)% Minion Max Life
+(40–45)% Minion Duration
Restores 3% of Max Life when Summon Skills are used.
Consumes 5% of Max Life when Minions attack
  • Base: Prayer Hammer
  • id: 110607
  • drop level: 13