Sun-shooter Long Bow

17 - 27 Physical Damage
1.3 Attack Speed
480 Critical Strike Rating
+(12–15)% Attack Damage

+(80–100)% gear Physical Damage
+(8–12)% gear Attack Speed
+(8–12)% Attack Critical Strike Rating for this gear
Main Skill is supported by Lv. 20 Jump.
+60% Projectile Damage

A warrior from the ancient Ichi once tried to shoot down the evil dragon from the sun with this bow.
+(120–150)% gear Physical Damage
+(15–18)% gear Attack Speed
+(15–18)% Attack Critical Strike Rating for this gear
The Main Skill is supported by Lv. 20 Projectile Penetration.
+(10–15)% additional Projectile Damage
  • Base: Beastbone Bow
  • id: 110904
  • drop level: 12