
12 - 12 Physical Damage
500 Critical Strike Rating
1.5 Attack Speed

+(30–40)% gear Physical Damage
+(20–25)% Attack Block Chance
Blocks an additional (20–30) Attack Damage
60% chance to gain 1 stack of Tenacity Blessing when Blocking
Block Lucky when Tenacity Blessing is active

Victory is like a tossed coin when swords are crossed.
12 - 12 Physical Damage
500 Critical Strike Rating
1.5 Attack Speed

+(30–40)% gear Physical Damage
+(20–25)% Attack Block Chance
Blocks an additional (20–30) Attack Damage
60% chance to gain 1 stack of Tenacity Blessing when Blocking
Block Lucky when Tenacity Blessing is active

Victory is like a tossed coin when swords are crossed.
+(80–90)% gear Physical Damage
+(30–40)% Attack Block Chance
Blocks an additional 40 Attack Damage
100% chance to gain 1 stack of Tenacity Blessing when Blocking
Automatic Upgrade
  • Base: Rock Claymore
  • id: 110301
  • drop level: 13

  • Tip