Cursed Flame

20 - 20 Physical Damage
500 Critical Strike Rating
1.5 Attack Speed

+(250–300)% gear Physical Damage
Adds (13–15) - (17–19) Physical Damage to the gear
+25% chance to Ignite targets
Adds (40–50)% of Main-Hand Weapon Damage to Base Ignite Damage
When Ignite is inflicted, Ignite spreads and +(10–40)% additional Ignite Damage taken by Nearby enemies

This sword was once thrust into the chest of a nameless sorcerer,
and the flame on its blade has been burning till this day.
20 - 20 Physical Damage
500 Critical Strike Rating
1.5 Attack Speed

+(250–300)% gear Physical Damage
Adds (13–15) - (17–19) Physical Damage to the gear
+25% chance to Ignite targets
Adds 67% of Main-Hand Weapon Damage to Base Ignite Damage
When Ignite is inflicted, Ignite spreads and +(10–40)% additional Ignite Damage taken by Nearby enemies

This sword was once thrust into the chest of a nameless sorcerer,
and the flame on its blade has been burning till this day.
+(300–400)% gear Physical Damage
Adds (19–22) - (27–30) Physical Damage to the gear
+50% chance to Ignite targets
Adds (50–60)% of Main-Hand Weapon Damage to Base Ignite Damage
When Ignite is inflicted, Ignite spreads and +(15–60)% additional Ignite Damage taken by Nearby enemies
  • Base: Conflict Greatsword
  • id: 110303
  • drop level: 82

  • Tip