Master Defender Pendant

+5 Dexterity

+(70–100) Max Life
+(30–60)% Defense gained from Chest Armor
+(12–16)% Attack Block Chance
+(4–6)% Elemental Resistance
Blocks an additional (40–120) damage

"My defense is flawless this time!"
+5 Dexterity

+(70–100) Max Life
+(30–60)% Defense gained from Chest Armor
+(12–16)% Attack Block Chance
+(4–6)% Elemental Resistance
Blocks an additional (40–120) damage

"My defense is flawless this time!"
+(220–250) Max Life
+(40–80)% Defense gained from Chest Armor
+(10–12)% Attack and Spell Block Chance
+(8–10)% Elemental Resistance
Blocks additional damage equal to 1% of Max Life
  • Base: Sunlight Pendant
  • id: 113205
  • drop level: 82

  • Tip