
Legendary Aptitude ★★★★
54 - 86 Physical Damage
1.6 Attack Speed
580 Critical Strike Rating
+(16–20)% Critical Strike Damage

Gains (91–120)% of the skill's damage as Base Wilt Damage
Wilted enemies defeated by you will explode, dealing Secondary Erosion Damage equal to (80–100)% of their Max Life to enemies within a 3m radius

The unending pain in your wound is my memory for you.
Gains (121–150)% of the skill's damage as Base Wilt Damage
Wilted enemies defeated by you will explode, dealing Secondary Erosion Damage equal to (100–120)% of their Max Life to enemies within a 3m radius
  • Base: Wiseman's Dagger
  • id: 110802
  • drop level: 82

  • Tip