Rat King's Escape Show

+1346 gear Evasion

+(2017–2880) gear Evasion
+(30–40)% Movement Speed
For every 1 Spell(s) evaded in the last 10s, +(3–5)% additional damage, up to 10 stacks (multiplies)
+10% Elemental Resistance
Master Escapist

Those who hate him called him a shameful rat,
but they never caught him.
+1346 gear Evasion

+(2017–2880) gear Evasion
+(30–40)% Movement Speed
For every 1 Spell(s) evaded in the last 10s, +(3–5)% additional damage, up to 10 stacks (multiplies)
+10% Elemental Resistance
Master Escapist

Those who hate him called him a shameful rat,
but they never caught him.
+(2622–3744) gear Evasion
+(50–60)% Movement Speed
For every 1 Spell(s) evaded in the last 10s, +6% additional damage, up to 10 stacks (multiplies)
+15% Elemental Resistance
Master Escapist
+(30–50)% additional Evasion on Spell Damage
  • Base: Eternal Night Stalker's Long Boots
  • id: 112423
  • drop level: 82

  • Tip